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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:威廉‧布隆代爾  出版社:臉譜文化  出版日:2023/08/29 裝訂:平裝
不是你不夠努力,而是沒人告訴你,報導應該這樣寫!「自媒體」時代,人人都是報導者,如何讓你的內容脫穎而出?★《華爾街日報》內部培訓手冊改編而成,紀實寫作者必備的撰稿聖經★★出版逾30年,長踞AMAZON新聞類教科書暢銷榜前5名★「《報導的技藝》能一步一步慢慢地教你如何去說好一個故事、去完成一則光芒足以探照黑暗角落與摸索未來可能的動人報導。如同那道照進萬物裂縫的光。」——李取中,《大誌雜誌》、《The Affairs 編集者》總編輯「在1984年,我讀到這本書的草稿……直到今天,我仍然使用這本書作為新聞專題和雜誌寫作課程的教材,因為沒有任何一本書比它好。有志寫作的人,都應該一再重讀這本書!」——AMAZON資深讀者五星評價—— 紀實寫作者的必備寶典,歷久彌新的採訪、寫作、修潤心法「我們都有一種責任,卻常略而不提:記者除了提供事實以外,更是在講述故事。忽略了那個責任,就無法吸引大家閱讀我們的作品。」什麼元素能讓報導洋溢魅力,瞬間引人注目?怎樣安排文章的情節,讓人能一路讀到底?又如何能讓故事讀完後還深深烙印在讀者的腦海中?把事實變得生動有趣、使讀者讀來津津有味,是古往今來的紀實寫作者都得面對的挑戰。屢獲殊榮的《華爾街日報》資深撰稿人威廉・布隆代爾,將多年經驗淬鍊成一部系統性的寫作指南,從蒐集素材、構思點子、組織文章結構,到處理關鍵的故事元素、用詞遣字和編修文章,作者無不傾囊相授,一步步帶你掌握報導的技藝,寫出深入人心的紀實故事。如果你想寫出躍然紙上、讓人一讀再讀的故事,但感到無從下手……我沒有好的靈感,要怎樣才能找到值得報導的好題材?要做到信手拈來皆題材,廣泛閱讀是重中之重,除了關注主流媒體外,較少人留意的讀物往往也是靈感來源。什麼樣的內容,才是讀者真正想看的?讀者在乎的是有血有肉、真實動人的故事,而不是令人哈欠連連的數字。把鏡頭聚焦在當事人身上,不要以遠眺的方式寫作。眾多媒體都競相報導過的題材,我還能寫出新意嗎?就算是受廣泛報導的舊聞,也可能有尚未觸及的部分,找出新的角度切入,嘗試擴張主題、為故事加料,或改變性質,同樣可以寫出鮮活的報導。我覺得手上的素材不如預期,該如何寫出好文章?世上沒有完美的素材,只要夠好就行了,要怎樣處理已有素材才是重點。使用「漸進式讀者參與法則」,凸顯故事焦點、適切分配素材,以及建立串連整個故事的敘述主線。我採訪了許多人物、蒐集了大量資料,該如何篩
定價:480 元, 優惠價:9 432
Writing on the Wall:Graffiti and Rebellion in Eighteenth-Century Britain
作者:Madeleine Pelling  出版社:Profile Books Ltd  出版日:2025/04/03 裝訂:平裝
定價:604 元, 優惠價:79 477
The Writing's on the Wall: Poetry in the Key of G
作者:Alonzo Wright  出版社:Independently published  出版日:2024/12/01 裝訂:平裝
定價:715 元, 優惠價:1 715
The Kid's Awesome Activity Wall Calendar 2024
作者:Mike Lowery  出版社:Workman Pub Co  出版日:2023/08/08
Spark your kids' creativity every month with doodles and giggles galore!--LET YOUR IMAGINATION OUT TO PLAY! – Grab and pen and pencil for a year of interactive prompts that get kids dreaming: creative coloring prompts, puzzles and mazes, silly doodles, jokes, comics, and more.--FAMILY ORGANIZATION MADE FUN – This 12" x 12" wall calendar has plenty of room for recording appointments and important dates for the whole family. And kids love keeping track of the calendar - no more "how many days until..." questions!--STICKERS GALORE – Includes more than 300 stickers for decorating the calendar pages, including occasions like PARTY, FIELD TRIP, MOVIE, and NO SCHOOL!--FOR AGES 8--PERFECT GIFT – Screen-free fun for busy families--GREAT QUALITY – Printed in full-color on uncoated paper (for easy writing) that's responsibly sourced.
定價:646 元, 優惠價:79 510
The Last Comics on Earth (graphic novel)
作者:Max Brallier; Joshua Pruett  出版社:Penguin Young Readers Group  出版日:2023/04/25 裝訂:精裝
A New York Times bestseller!The Last Kids on Earth are creating THEIR OWN COMIC BOOK!From worldwide bestselling author Max Brallier comes a full-color graphic novel spin-off series based on the #1 New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling Last Kids on Earth!Jack, Quint, June, and Dirk are about to face a challenge unlike any they’ve faced before . . . At their local comic book store, the kids make a startling discovery: they’ve read every last issue of their favorite comic, Z-Man, and no new issues are coming...ever! (Thanks a lot, apocalypse.). Nooo!Our heroes have but one choice: continue Z-Man’s legacy by writing and illustrating THEIR OWN COMIC BOOK! Step one? Knock off their beloved Z-Man and cast themselves as super rad, super goofy, superhero protectors of the mysterious city of Apocalyptia. What could possibly go wrong? Just about everything!Fans are sure to love this hilarious, action-packed, four-color graphic novel series by the creators of The last Kids
定價:570 元, 優惠價:79 450
Watermark: An Essay on Venice
作者:Joseph Brodsky  出版社:Penguin Classics UK  出版日:2013/02/28 裝訂:平裝
'Reading Brodsky's essays is like a conversation with an immensely erudite, hugely entertaining and witty (and often very funny) interlocutor' Wall Street JournalWatermark is Joseph Brodsky's witty, intelligent, moving and elegant portrait of Venice. Looking at every aspect of the city, from its waterways, streets and architecture to its food, politics and people, Brodsky captures its magnificence and beauty, and recalls his own memories of the place he called home for many winters, as he remembers friends, lovers and enemies he has encountered. Above all, he reflects with great poetic force on how the rising tide of time affects city and inhabitants alike.Watermark is an unforgettable piece of writing, and a wonderful evocation of a remarkable, unique city. Winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature
定價:549 元, 優惠價:79 434
Collected Poems
作者:Paul Auster  出版社:Faber & Faber  出版日:2018/10/04 裝訂:平裝
The figure of the young American poet living in Paris is familiar from Paul Auster's celebrated novels; here that character is realised in Auster's own stunningly accomplished verse. His penetrating and charged poetry resembles little else in recent American literature. This collection of his poems, translations, and composition notes from early in his career furnish yet further evidence of his literary mastery.Taut, densely lyrical and everywhere informed by a powerful and subtle music, this selection begins with the compact verse fragments of Spokes (written when Auster was in his early twenties) and Unearth, continues on through the more ample meditations of Wall Writing, Disappearances, Effigies, Fragments From the Cold, Facing the Music, and White Spaces, then moves further back in time to include Auster's revealing translations of many of the French poets who influenced his own writing - including Paul Eluard, Andre Breton, Tristan Tzara, Philippe Soupault, Robert Desnos and Rene
定價:824 元, 優惠價:79 651
作者:Jenna Rae  出版社:Perseus Distribution Services  出版日:2012/06/26 裝訂:平裝
It doesn’t take San Francisco Detective Del Mason long to realize that her new neighbor, Lola Bannon, has more baggage than a cruise ship. She’s seen too many victims of domestic violence not to recog
定價:606 元, 優惠價:1 606
The Writing on the Wall
作者:W. D. Wetherell  出版社:W W Norton & Co Inc  出版日:2012/09/06 裝訂:精裝
WhenVera decides to travel to an old house in the New England countryside for amonth-long escape from some devastating news about her daughter, Cassie, shehas no idea her life is about to change forev
定價:948 元, 優惠價:79 749
作者:(英)湯姆‧斯丹迪奇  出版社:中信出版社  出版日:2019/03/01 裝訂:平裝
定價:288 元, 優惠價:87 251
作者:米克洛斯.班菲  出版社:野人文化  出版日:2014/04/23 裝訂:平裝
失傳近半世紀的匈牙利史詩巨著,重新出版一舉奪下各大媒體年度最佳小說獎!被譽為《安娜.卡列妮娜》和《戰爭與和平》的綜合體媲美《齊瓦哥醫生》的蒼茫壯闊◆《衛報》1000本必讀小說◆《觀察家報》年度好書◆ 牛津威登菲爾德最佳翻譯小說獎◆《華盛頓郵報》年度最佳小說出身匈牙利貴族、見證書中歷史場景的班菲,一生享盡榮華、嘗遍冷暖,看盡人世間的愚昧、醜陋和滄桑,終至眼見國亡家滅,無以回天,遂將他對數百年世冑歷史
作者:湯姆.斯丹迪奇  出版社:行人  出版日:2016/07/01 裝訂:平裝
古羅馬最偉大的政治家西塞羅其實每天都在上網。 他的瀏覽器是莎草紙,他的頻寬是奴隸的腳。他發表一篇「動態」,這則「動態」便會在他的人際網絡中開始流傳,其他人順勢寫下心得、發表新聞,或者「轉推」抄寫到另一張莎草紙。在羅馬城內,回覆一個問題約需兩小時。奴隸們交替往來,於是各種最新消息、政治謀略與八卦,遍傳遍了羅馬。 如果我們把「技術」抽開,從歷史中尋找能擔任「社群媒體」的相同角色,便會發現:每個歷史階段
Writing On The Wall
作者:Sheppard  出版社:John Wiley & Sons Inc  出版日:2007/06/22 裝訂:平裝
Thousands of businesses, large and small, fail every year. According to The Writing on the Wall most instances of business failure begin with early warning signs of trouble, which are clearly discerni
定價:1214 元, 優惠價:9 1093
Writing on the Wall
作者:Tracey Ward  出版社:Createspace Independent Pub  出版日:2014/01/01 裝訂:平裝
It's been nearly a decade since the world ended. Since Joss watched her parents die at the hands of a nightmare, a nightmare that stalks her even now, all these years later. That's the problem with th
定價:579 元, 優惠價:1 579
Writing on the Wall
作者:Simon Morley  出版社:Thames & Hudsons UK  出版日:2016/06/07 裝訂:平裝
Explores the way in which words have encroached on the visual arts from the late 19th century onwards. From the Impressionists to contemporary practitioners, this work shows how artists have responded
定價:1097 元, 優惠價:79 867
Writing on the Wall provides a fascinating overview of the work of the most important Chinese modern artists from the 1980s and the 1990s. Internationally renowned authors Thomas Berghuis, Francesca D
定價:1520 元, 優惠價:1 1520
The Writing on the Wall
作者:Lynne Sharon Schwartz  出版社:Counterpoint  出版日:2006/05/16 裝訂:平裝
Thirty-four and decidedly independent, Renata has been known to keep her involvement with people, men in particular, to a minimum. Even her job at the library keeps her at a remove from the uncertaint
定價:718 元, 優惠價:1 718
The Writing on the Wall
作者:Wendy Lichtman  出版社:HarperCollins US  出版日:2008/07/01 裝訂:精裝
Eighth grade, like algebra, has become pretty complicated for Tess. For one thing, there are the patterns she's noticing everywhere—like how charming-on-the-outside Richard keeps playing scary pranks
定價:646 元, 優惠價:79 510
The Writing on the Wall
作者:Gunnar Staalesen; Hal Sutcliffe (TRN)  出版社:Arcadia Books Ltd  出版日:2009/10/01 裝訂:平裝
In this crime drama, set in Bergen, Norway, detective Varg Veum's adventures take him into a dark world of privileged citizens who have been drawn into cross-dressing, drugs, and prostitution. When th
定價:722 元, 優惠價:1 722
The Writing on the Wall
作者:Juliet Rieden  出版社:Macmillan Australia  出版日:2020/04/01 裝訂:平裝
定價:1123 元, 優惠價:1 1123
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