Hope and healing for every woman who has ever loved a man. Bestselling author and Bible life coach Sheri Rose Shepherd shares 14 truths that will forever change the way you love and are loved. This au
Bestselling author Melody Carlson captures hearts with a beautifully written romance set just after World War II.It's almost New Year's 1946, a perfect time for Caroline Marshall to start a new chapte
What does it mean for a Christian to work? What is meant in the Christian tradition by calling and vocation? Gregory Clapper’s book, Living Your Heart’s Desire: God’s Call and Your Vocation, helps peo
Filled with straightforward, accessible information that can be used in everyday life with dramatic positive results, this compendium of craft ideas provides clear instructions for constructing 20 pr
Nationally known intuitive and spiritual leader Sonia Choquette shares the nine universal principles for creating the reality of your dreams. Step by step, with practical advice, specific exercises, a
Have Your Heart's Desire could change your life. Learn to create the life you really want with this information-packed little book that is full of hope and guidance. It includes several miracle prayer