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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:提莫西‧威斯坦恩; 布萊德利‧沃特克  出版社:遠流  出版日:2022/03/30 裝訂:平裝
最大膽的假設,沒再跟你開玩笑的認真考證一份置之死地而後生的喪屍診斷報告邀您踏入未知的屍控領域,撬開大腦的運作與病變之謎 「美國專業與學術傑出出版獎(The PROSE awards)生物醫學與神經科學領域」獲獎之作 甦醒於半世紀前的《活死人之夜》,自《28天毀滅倒數》起死回生。跨越《活屍禁區》與《陰屍路》,歷經《末日Z戰》成為《最後的生還者》,並搭上《屍速列車》抵達今日的串流世代,雙眼所見依舊是《活屍大軍》和《殭屍校園》…… 此時此刻,以「喪屍(ZOMBIE) 文化」做為主題的創作文本,猶如致命病毒般地蔓延、變異,早已藉由恐懼和娛樂感染全世界,令人們陷入狂熱。而正當創作者和觀眾依舊未雨綢繆地假想「一旦爆發喪屍浩劫,人類該如何應對求生時?」本應身處抗戰前線的神經科學家自始至終卻都袖手旁觀。直到這兩位白天是神經科學教授,夜晚則化身熱愛喪屍片阿宅,決定藉「喪屍」這個娛樂題材,運用所學專業和研究精神,帶領讀者踏上認識神經科學的發展歷史,解答人腦運作原理與知識,並對喪屍大腦的探索殺出一條血路。 [內容簡介]本書是奠基於神經科學領域發展至今,翻開人類大腦的醫學研究與診斷文獻,試圖解答要是喪屍真的存在,那麼這群在末世浩劫中緩慢步行(也或許跑得飛快)的活死人,牠們的腦袋瓜到底是哪邊出了什麼問題…… ☠️變成喪屍就都不用睡覺了嗎?喪屍是否會夢見活死羊?.腦袋是如何在睡眠與清醒間切換?.作夢對於人而言有什麼功用? ☠️動作遲緩與健步如飛的喪屍有什麼差別?.小腦如何控管人體的運動系統?.小腦萎縮症、帕金森氏症與運動功能失調的關聯性? ☠️為什麼喪屍總是暴怒並渴望人肉吃到飽?.情緒是什麼?你是因為害怕而發抖,還是因發抖才害怕?.認識支配呼吸、內分泌、飢餓與飽足的迷走神經 ☠️「媽,看清楚,是我啊!」喪屍為什麼會不認得自己親人?.關於感知和辨識臉孔,大腦是怎麼進行的?.患有臉盲症的人該怎麼認出自己的家人? ☠️一旦變成了喪屍,還能保有生前的記憶嗎?.「記憶」的本質究竟是什麼?.走路、騎車、游泳這些技能無須回想也不會忘記的原因?
定價:450 元, 優惠價:9 405
小殭屍逛動物園 The Zombies Go to the Zoo (附中英雙語CD)
作者:Coleen Reddy著; 李超美繪; 薛慧儀譯  出版社:三民書局  出版日:2003/07/01 裝訂:有聲書
定價:180 元, 優惠價:79 142
Zombies Attack!
作者:Mark Cheverton  出版社:Skyhorse Publishing  出版日:2017/09/05 裝訂:平裝
The Far Lands is a hidden area located at the very edge of Minecraft’s outer borders, unknown to normal users. There, the life of a young boy named Watcher is suddenly turned upside down when his vill
定價:380 元, 優惠價:79 300
Hansel & Gretel & Zombies
作者:Benjamin Harper; Fern Cano (ILT)  出版社:Stone Arch Books  出版日:2016/01/01 裝訂:平裝
In this graphic version of the classic fairy tale, zombie children Hansel and Gretel disguise themselves as tourists and venture into the Magical Forest in search of brains to eat--where they encounte
定價:380 元, 優惠價:79 300
Zombies vs. Unicorns
作者:Holly Black (EDT); Justine Larbalestier (EDT)  出版社:Pocket Books  出版日:2015/07/28 裝訂:平裝
It’s the epic battle of brains against manes. Which side are you on?It’s a question as old as time itself: which is better, the zombie or the unicorn? This all-original anthology edited by Holly Black
定價:380 元, 優惠價:79 300
Dave Pigeon (Zombies!)
作者:Swapna Haddow  出版社:FABER & FABER CHILDRENS  出版日:2024/09/03 裝訂:平裝
定價:439 元, 優惠價:79 347
Dog Zombies Rule for Now
作者:Liz Pichon; Russell Tovey (NRT)  出版社:Brilliance Audio  出版日:2017/06/06 裝訂:有聲書
Here's my EXCELLENT PLAN to make DogZombies the BEST band in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD! How hard can it be? (Very.)Right now I'm going to:1. Write more songs (not about teachers).2. Make a SPECTACULAR musi
定價:599 元, 優惠價:9 539
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
作者:Jane Austen; Seth Grahame-Smith  出版社:Random House Inc  出版日:2015/12/15 裝訂:平裝
In the five years since its publication, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies has become a true cultural phenomenon, amassing a legion of fans and spawning an entire “mash-up” genre. As our story opens, a
定價:568 元, 優惠價:79 449
Goosebumps Slappyworld #14: Fifth-Grade Zombies
作者:R. L. Stine  出版社:Scholastic  出版日:2021/07/06 裝訂:平裝
Scarlett Martenson and her friends are total zombie fans! With Ross as the brains, Annie as the makeup artist, Owen as the fright master, and Scarlett as their leader, the group is unstoppable as they
定價:266 元, 優惠價:79 210
Pride And Prejudice And Zombies ─ Dawn Of The Dreadfuls
作者:Steve Hockensmith; Patrick Arrasmith  出版社:Quirk Books  出版日:2010/03/23 裝訂:平裝
At the opening of the international bestseller "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies", Elizabeth Bennet is already a seasoned warrior-trained in the martial arts, skeptical of romance, and determined to wi
定價:492 元, 優惠價:79 389
Sam Wu is Not Afraid of Zombies (平裝本)
作者:Katie Tsang; Kevin Tsang  出版社:Egmont Books UK  出版日:2020/01/09 裝訂:平裝
The brilliantly funny fifth book in the SAM WU series, starring the bravest scaredy-cat in the world! Perfect for reluctant readers and fans of Tom Fletcher, Pamela Butchart and Humza Arshad's Badman.
定價:329 元, 優惠價:79 260
Minecraft: Zombies! (An Official Minecraft Novel 13)(平裝本)
作者:Nick Eliopulos  出版社:Random House US  出版日:2022/07/05 裝訂:平裝
Meet the next big thing in the world of official Minecraft novels: zombies!Looking after a little sibling can be a real headache . . . especially when they’re trying to eat your brains! Life is good for Bobbie in the sleepy village of Plaintown. Sure, her villager parents only ever say “Hrm,” but you pick up the local language quickly. And maybe her little brother, Johnny, is always getting into trouble, but the village’s iron golem is there to look out for him. And, yeah, things are too busy for exploring when you’re the only one in town who ever takes their hands out of their sleeves. But maybe that’s for the best. After all, there are things out there beyond the torchlight that are better handled by adventurers. But one night, a stranger comes to Plaintown―and he’s followed by a horde of ravenous zombies. Bobbie’s village is overrun, and her world is turned upside down. Life is not so good for Ben, an adventurer with nothing left to his name but the armor on his back. When dawn’s li
定價:608 元, 優惠價:79 480
Zombies, Consumption, and Satire in Capcom's Dead Rising
作者:Connor Jackson  出版社:PBKTYFRL  出版日:2024/11/20 裝訂:精裝
定價:3249 元, 優惠價:95 3086
Minecraft: Zombies Return! (An Official Minecraft Novel 15)(平裝本)
作者:Nick Eliopulos  出版社:Random House US  出版日:2023/07/18 裝訂:平裝
Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the Overworld, the zombies have returned!Bobbie is on a mission. She’s already survived one encounter with Logan, the zombie-herding jerk who attacked her village and turned her brother into a zombie. And now she won’t rest until she stops his evil plan to conquer the Overworld with his zombie horde. But the closer she gets to foiling Logan, the further away she gets from her original goal: finding a cure for her zombie brother.Ben is on . . . babysitting duty. Separated from Bobbie, Ben is now in charge of caring for her zombie-fied little brother, Johnny, and keeping up with his Zombie Obedience Lessons. Lessons that are going well! Johnny doesn’t even need his leash anymore, and he hardly tries to eat people at all—unless they really, really deserve it. Logan’s abandoned lair is even starting to feel a little like home.But while doing a little spring cleaning, Ben discovers Logan’s secret diary, filled with all his biggest plots, inc
定價:608 元, 優惠價:79 480
作者:Allison Christina Budaj  出版社:MCFARLAND & CO INC  出版日:2024/10/22 裝訂:平裝
定價:2997 元, 優惠價:1 2997
World of Reading Level 2: Disney Zombies: Three Tales of a Girl and a Zombie
作者:Disney Books  出版社:Disney Press  出版日:2022/07/19 裝訂:平裝
Zed and Addison may seem like an unlikely couple. After all, she's a cheerleader and he's a zombie. But when zombies are invited to attend Seabrook High, their worlds collide, and they have an immediate connection.This World of Reading Level 2 bindup follows their story from the beginning. Relive the best moments of the films like when Addison won a spot on Seabrook High's award-winning cheer squad, when Zed became the first zombie to take the field with the Seabrook football team, or that time a pack of werewolves arrived in town in search of their treasured moonstone.World of Reading Level 2 readers offer young fans an appropriate level of reading difficulty and include a list of vocabulary words included in each story.Complete your Disney Channel collection with these other fan favorites:World of Reading Descendants 3 Stronger TogetherWorld of Reading: Phineas and Ferb: Another Grand AdventureGabby Duran Adventures in Alien BabysittingBig City Greens: Blood MoonThe Owl House: Witche
定價:266 元, 優惠價:79 210
作者:Francesco Sticchi  出版社:Amsterdam University Press  出版日:2025/01/20 裝訂:精裝
The Queen of Zombie Hearts
作者:Gena Showalter  出版社:Harlequin UK-Mira Ink  出版日:2014/10/01 裝訂:平裝
BOOK 3 OF THE WHITE RABBIT CHRONICLES Alice Bell thinks the worst is behind her. She's fought zombies and won. Now she's ready for a peaceful life with boyfriend Cole, the leader of the zombie slayers
定價:824 元, 優惠價:55 453
A Mad Zombie Party
作者:Gena Showalter  出版社:Harlequin Books  出版日:2015/09/29 裝訂:精裝
The battle rages on. Ali Bell and Cole Holland's crew of zombie slayers thought they'd won the war against Anima Industries, the evil company responsible for capturing and experimenting on zombies in
定價:855 元, 優惠價:1 855
Stink #7: The Midnight Zombie Walk (New Cover)
作者:Megan McDonald; Peter H. Reynolds (ILT)  出版社:PBKCANWP  出版日:2021/03/09 裝訂:平裝
Reading is UNdead ― and everyone has zombies on the brain ― as Stink’s school and a local bookstore cook up a frightfully fun Main Street event.Guts! Brains! Eyeballs! There’s only one week before the
定價:228 元, 優惠價:79 180
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