New York Times bestselling author and artist James Dean takes readers along for an outdoor adventure with Pete the Cat! In Pete the Cat Goes Camping, Pete can't wait to go hiking, fishing, and ea
班夫山岳展得獎作品(Banff Mountain Book Competition: Adventure Travel)我和派特交往後的第一個夏天,就跑到北極圈的某條偏遠河流露營兩個月,從此心心念念想要再來一次壯闊的冒險。但之後我投身學術研究,派特則開了一間建築公司,彼此的行事曆上再也看不見潮汐和季節,只剩下截稿期限和施工進度表。我的研究主題是阿拉斯加鳥類的畸形鳥喙,完成博士論文答辯後,指導教授提議慶祝,但我只覺得難堪。對原野的愛促使我投身學術,花費數千個小時盯著顯微鏡,觀察飼養的山雀,卻也讓我遠離自然,忘了最初為什麼想成為生物學家。即將展開的學術生涯愈來愈像刑期,而不是大好機會。我的世界出現兩個版本:原野,還是家庭?大自然,還是科學研究?我把自己困在難以化解的分歧裡。我堅信在地圖上的兩點間可以找到答案,一端是遇見派特的太平洋西北沿海小鎮,一端是從未見過的北極冰封大地。我們決心以划船、步行和滑雪,完成這趟超過六千公里的旅程。沿途聆聽候鳥鳴唱和踩上地衣的聲響,嗅聞暴雨過後凍土的氣味,追蹤美洲馴鹿的足跡,或是與白鯨同游。出發前,有人問我們為何踏上這趟旅程,是什麼事情促使我們想「人間蒸發」片刻。我試著解釋我們並不是想逃避現實,不是想逃離破碎的婚姻、藥物成癮或學術上的挫敗。我們無意破紀錄或締造第一。我們只是想要找到回家的路。「想像有人在原野中跋涉了比雪兒.史翠德(Cheryl Strayed)還長四倍的距離,沒有指南,且得穿越足以吸乾馴鹿的蚊蟲大軍。在這本充滿勇氣的優雅作品中,鳥類學家卡洛琳.范.希莫特拋下困在實驗室籠中的山雀,踏上壯闊的北極遷徙之旅,再次親炙當初促使她投身科學的大自然。對我們這些較不擅長製作划槳船、避開雪崩、擊退飢餓熊隻的人來說,這本深入且親密的著作提供了一窺壯美原野的大好機會。」--艾蜜莉.埃米莉(Emily Voigt),著有The Dragon Behind the Glass「鳥類學家兼博物學家卡洛琳.范.希莫特撰寫了一本從太平洋沿岸到北極海的旅遊紀事,這是一場成功的原野旅行,充滿對科學的好奇。在優美的寫作中揭示崇高的熱情,以及人類與大自然間的溫柔觸碰。」--約翰.馬茲羅夫(John Marzluff),野生動物學教授,著有Welcome to Subirdia「大多數冒險是從地圖開始,循著一條看似可行的路線前進,最後可能發現實際路況比想像中困難許
Turn off the TV, shut the computer, put down the electronic games: it's time to go outside! Filled with fun activities for every season, this is the ideal outdoors companion for kids. Armed with this
Dutch oven cooking is hot!Whether you are camping in the great outdoors or in your backyard, when it comes to meal planning, cooking in a Dutch oven offers a world of options beyond tin foil dinners.
There are so many things that go to discover outside! What will YOU spot?This fun and chunky board book encourages little ones to explore their environment and spot and recognise the different vehicles around them. Toddlers will love carrying the book around with the pair of bright and sturdy fabric handles! Each page contains simple labels to help curious explorers identify the transport in their own surroundings, with bright, bold illustrations and peep-through pages for extra fun. Toddler Take-Along Things That Go is the second title in a new series of board books focussed on child-led learning.Each book encourages children to explore their environment by observing the different things around them - perfect for keeping kids busy when you're out and about!Also available in the series: Toddler Take-Along Nature
This book sets out to investigate and celebrate a whole range of ovens, used and built the world over. By focusing on outdoor ovens, meaning those constructed or used outside of the home, as opposed t
Engage your child in outdoor play, nature outings, and environmental explorations. Chase and be chased in a game of capture the flag. Use the power of the sun to craft your own shadow prints. Explore