本冊教材根據教育部發佈的《中等職業學校英語課程標準》的要求,緊密結合中等職業學校教學實際,圍繞學生生活和職場有關話題設計教學活動,共8個單元,分別是:Today is my first day at work. I will arrange it. Could you deal with complaints properly? What makes an excellent employee? May I help you, sir? Are you Mr. Burke from AG Jewelry Company? I work in the sales department.Map your future! 每個單元由循序漸進(Following Proper Steps)和規範學習(Learning Proper English)兩部分組成,依次安排了Getting Ready、Listenging、Speaking、Reading、Writing、Taking Action、Understanding Culture和Checking Progress等版塊,並穿插了思維差異感知點、文化點、學習策略等小提示。