“彩虹橋”漢語分級讀物:臥薪嚐膽(3級:750詞) 越王勾踐強迫自己住在柴房裏,每天吃飯之前還要嘗一嘗苦膽。他為什麼要這樣虐待自己呢?說來話長……Goujian, King of the State of Yue, forces himself to live in a humble woodshed. Before every meal, he tastes bile. Why doe
“彩虹橋”漢語分級讀物:四大美女之楊貴妃(3級:750詞) 楊貴妃是中國古代四大美女之一。美麗善舞的楊貴妃得到唐明皇李隆基的專寵,卻也由此給自己惹來殺身之禍……他們的愛情故事以詩歌、戲劇、小說等各種形式傳誦至今。Imperial Consort Yang, one of the four ancient beauties of China, is adept at dancing and w
畫中人 一個小夥子喜歡上了一幅畫兒裏的姑娘。沒想到,姑娘竟然從畫兒裏走了出來……As a young man falls in love with a girl in a painting, the girl remarkably steps out of the painting and comes to life……
“彩虹橋”漢語分級讀物:水滸傳(6級:2500詞)林沖、魯智深、宋江……這些身懷絕技、武功高強的英雄好漢聚集在梁山,豎起“替天行道”的大旗,行俠仗義,鋤強扶弱。他們的傳奇故事在中國廣為人知。 The awe-inspiring heroes represented by Lin Chong, Lu Zhishen and Song Jiang gather at Mount Liangshan.
“彩虹橋”漢語分級讀物:西遊記(6級:2500詞)孫悟空和師弟豬八戒、沙和尚一起保護師父唐僧去如來佛祖那裏求取佛經。他們歷經九九八十一難,一路降妖伏魔、懲惡揚善,終於取回了真經。 Monkey King, Pig and Sandy escort Master Xuanzang on an epic quest to obtain Buddhist scriptures. On their jou