《中國故事繪》系列兒童圖畫書力求完整豐富地收錄中國原創兒童圖畫書名家精品,作品涵蓋歷史人物、神話傳說、民間故事、中國童話……包羅萬象。此次出版以中西雙語形式呈現,並在每冊書末附有文化導讀及互動遊戲,讓孩子在閱讀傳統故事之余,更進一步讀懂中國的歷史與文化,親身體驗傳統藝術與民俗活動。本系列所選圖畫故事書都是今天的爸爸媽媽們小時候就讀過的、膾炙人口的中國故事,它們是曾經影響一代人的兒童圖畫書經典,還將影響又一代孩子的成長。 勤勞善良的漁夫白海因救蚌姑娘而獲珍寶,不想卻遭貪心的皇帝陷害。在蚌姑娘們的幫助下,白海獲救,貪皇帝則受到了應有的懲罰。 The Picture Stories of China is a serie of books of typical Chinese conventional stories which are categorized into folk tales, myth and legends, Chinese figures and classic stories and so on. The drawings are created by well-known Chinese painters based on the stories and the words by famous writers for children. This serie is a good presentation of Chinese conventional cultural value, educational philosophy and ideological virtue. Particularly it’s the selected reading materials for Chinese children and adults who are living overseas.