本書特色Analyzing authors by analyzing the words they use;Revealing the person behind the pages by revealing the condition of language.序【Acknowledgements】 I want to thank Mr. Michael Song, the President of Showwe Publisher (Taipei, Taiwan), for his encouragement and his thoughtfulness. My thanks also go to Irene Cheng and Lestat Yin for making this book possible.【Preface】 The initial idea of writing such a book on the condition of language comes from a question, which was asked by Jean-Paul Sartre in his book, What is Literature? In fact, Sartre truly wanted to ask himself and the readers, this essential question - 'What is Writing'? In Sartre's Words, again, he mentioned the way in which Charles Schweitzer was 'amazed' (Sartre 89) by the French language. In some ways, Schweitzer did not consider himself 'as a writer' - he 'played' with the language, and yet, 'had not quite made it his own' (Sartre 89). Sartre's words indicate that to write in a specific language - as a writer - firstl
本書特色*Introducing key concepts such as religion, humanity, ideology and education through literature in the Turkish context*Helping the readers to see and to appreciate the insights of scholars from different research areas, especially literature, education, language teaching.序【Acknowledgements】 I want to thank Mr. Michael Song, the President of Showwe publishing house (Taipei, Taiwan), for his great support and his encouragement for getting academic writings published in Taiwan. Also, my thanks go to Ms. Irene Cheng, Ms. Lestat Yin, and the whole editorial team of Showwe.【Preface】 In the Turkish context, how can one see the relations among key concepts such as education, literature and culture? Thinking about Turkey and comparing it to Europe or to Asia, one realises that Turkey is non of them -- and yet, Turkey is also all of them. It represents a vision in a way which it is not specifically inclusive or exclusive. It does not take everything in. But if it takes something in, it giv
本書特色★多語言、多族群、多文化、多文類──來自各國的學者齊聚德國,探索臺灣現代文學創作的多元面向。序主編序台灣文化受到中國、南島原住民族、日本及西方文化的影響,為其文學領域提供豐富的創作養分。台灣作家又以不同的視角(本土文學、僑民文學、原住民文學、現代文學、女性文學、生態文學、古典詩詞、現代詩、網路文學等)生動地刻劃著這塊土地,共造出獨特的台灣文學史。台灣文學創作不僅不侷限於中文(即所謂「國語」)書寫,還包括以客家語、臺灣話及原住民族各種語言發表的作品;再者,台灣文學涉及到各類領域,如音樂、醫療等,隨處都凸顯出台灣文學的文化多元性及語言多樣性。2014年開始舉辦的「台灣移民工文學獎」已邁入第七年,顯示出文學亦能更有意義地為這個社會發聲。台灣文學雖然很值得多被世人重視,然而台灣文學仍處於西方漢學研究的邊緣地帶。德國特里爾大學漢學系積極推動本次研討會、共建交流平台,用以提升台灣文學在歐洲學界的討論度。會議時間為2019年9月20日至21日,於特里爾大學校園舉行。主辦單位為德國特里爾大學漢學系、德國科學基金會高級研究中心「演變中的俄語詩歌」(Centre for Advanced Studies “Russian-Language Poetry in Transition”)及德國華裔學志研究中心(Monumenta Serica Institute, Sankt Augustin)。特別感謝台灣大學黃美娥教授熱烈支持本活動,帶領一團台灣文學專家來特里爾開會,並且協助出版論文集等事宜。也特別感謝華裔學志Dirk Kuhlmann博士,幫我們聯絡到不少專家學者,鼎力協助研討會籌備工作。另特別感謝台東大學董恕明教授,向大家介紹原住民文學色彩,好讓我們能多多關注台灣原住民族文人對塑造台灣文學的重要貢獻。又特別感謝沙力浪(Salizan Takisvilainan)創作兩首詩,附上詩作解析和英文翻譯,一併收入本論文集,實為將來研究原住民詩歌的重要材料。如今出版論文集內容豐富,在此並不逐一列出諸位學者的論文內容,但我們衷心感謝所有與會學者發表論文與熱烈討論。二○二一年三月五日於特里爾市簡若玶(Chien Juo-ping)蘇費翔(Christian Soffel)書籍簡介2019年「異口同『聲』──探索臺灣現代文學創作的多元發展」學術研討會於德國特里爾大學(Universität