當你翻開這本書時,如果湊巧想起了一位失聯的朋友,請你努力將今天記下來,或者寫在日誌上,因為《小王子》說:「把朋友忘了,是一件很可悲的事,並非每個人都有朋友的……」《小王子》適合9歲到99歲的人閱讀,書中的隱喻既明朗又隱諱,一筆一筆勾勒出人類心中最原始的美。小王子是好奇的頑童,為了探險來到地球,當他仰望成千上萬個星星時,小王子永遠有辦法辨別出那個最特別的星球,就像漂泊的人類,心裡惦記著一塊終究會回去的原鄉。閱讀本書,你可能大吃一驚,彷彿遇到熟識的朋友,分享你的心情;你也可能為了某些橋段傷心,書中的語言那樣深刻,共鳴響起,猶如你親筆寫下的日記。你可以把閱讀《小王子》的經驗當作一個珍藏秘密,每一次閱讀都重新洗淨你的心靈。《小王子》如此平實地存在著,正如同你我生活的意境。 The Little Prince addresses the feelings hidden in the depths of your heart. Perhaps it has been years since you decided to dwell in solitude. Every day you try your best to avoid dangers that might hurt your feelings. After many years, you may find out nobody can gain access to your heart. You may even forget how to grasp happiness when it shows up.The Little Prince awakens your mind. It approaches your heart with a gentle motion. Before you know it, The Little Prince has done everything to prepare you for grace and love. That is the magic of this book. The author of The Little Prince uses a child’s point of view to offer profound and ke