This dark and intriguing Eisner Award-winning series features a mysterious agent named Graves who approaches ordinary citizens and gives them an opportunity to exact revenge on a person who has wronged them. Offering his clients an attache case containing proof of the deed and a gun, he guarantees his "clients" full immunity for all of their actions, including murder. In this final volume, Graves, the Minutemen and the mysterious cabal behind them all collide with a bloody, stunning ending.This volume collects issues #81-100 of the original series.
The fourth volume of the best-selling graphic novels series 100 Bullets written by Brian Azzarello and illustrated by Eduardo Risso.This dark and intriguing Eisner Award-winning series features a myst
Presents the stories of several people who were seriously hurt before being approached by Agent Graves, who offered each a gun, one hundred untraceable bullets, and a convincing story about whomever b
Presents the stories of several people who were seriously hurt before being approached by Agent Graves, who offered each a gun, one hundred untraceable bullets, and a convincing story about whomever b
Presents the stories of several people who were seriously hurt before being approached by Agent Graves, who offered each a gun, one hundred untraceable bullets, and a convincing story about whomever b
Presents the stories of several people who were seriously hurt before being approached by Agent Graves, who offered each a gun, one hundred untraceable bullets, and a convincing story about whomever b
After receiving an untraceable gun and matching bullets from a man named Agent Graves, who tells him that the car accident that shattered his face was deliberate, Milo sets out to discover the truth.
Presents the stories of several people who were seriously hurt before being approached by Agent Graves, who offered each a gun, one hundred untraceable bullets, and a convincing story about whomever b
Presents the stories of several people who were seriously hurt before being approached by Agent Graves, who offered each a gun, one hundred untraceable bullets, and a convincing story about whomever b
Presents the stories of several people who were seriously hurt before being approached by Agent Graves, who offered each a gun, one hundred untraceable bullets, and a convincing story about whomever b
This dark and intriguing Eisner Award-winning series features a mysterious agent named Graves who approaches ordinary citizens and gives them an opportunity to exact revenge on a person who has wronge
Brian Azzarello and Eduardo Risso's riveting crime saga "100 Bullets" reaches its epic conclusion!This dark and intriguing Eisner Award-winning series features a mysterious agent named Graves who appr
Presents the stories of several people who were seriously hurt before being approached by Agent Graves, who offered each a gun, one hundred untraceable bullets, and a convincing story about whomever b
Presents the stories of several people who were seriously hurt before being approached by Agent Graves, who offered each a gun, one hundred untraceable bullets, and a convincing story about whomever b
Loop Hughes' stay in prison is complicated by a very unwelcome acquaintance and Jack Daw finds himself facing a variety of wild animals in a roadside zoo.
The Eisner award-winning team behind 100 BULLETS--writer Brian Azzarello and artist Eduardo Rissoe, reunites to tell the story of the baddest Minuteman of all. When last we saw Lono in 100 BULLETS, Di
In the second hardcover collection of the acclaimed, award-winning 100 BULLETS, Agent Graves continues to offer immunity to everyday people to carry out their innermost desires of vengeance with the 1
A New York Times Bestseller!The third deluxe hardcover edition of the best-selling graphic novels series 100 Bullets written by Brian Azzarello and illustrated by Eduardo Risso. This dark and intrigu
"The fifth deluxe hardcover edition of the best-selling graphic novels series 100 Bullets written by Brian Azzarello and illustrated by Eduardo Risso. This dark and intriguing Eisner Award-winning se
The fourth deluxe hardcover edition of the best-selling graphic novels series 100 Bullets written by Brian Azzarello and illustrated by Eduardo Risso. This dark and intriguing Eisner Award-winning ser