從政治起源到選舉制度,多角度解答政治的十萬個為什麼。A Quick History of Politics takes us from pharaohs to fair votes, packed with facts and jokes about the many faces of politics through time.How did ancient people make decisions? How do the people in power stay in power? Why did Karl Marx have to go without trousers? A Quick History of Politics answers these questions and more, taking a ride through time from plutocrats to people power. What do you think of when you hear "politics?" Is it grey-haired men in suits, shouting at each other in a weird room? Well, you’re partly right… but there’s also a whole lot of crazy stories and weird history in the political world. A Quick History of Politics takes a look at the silly side of government, big and small, throughout the ages, and also explains the important stuff, like suffrage, elections and getting your voice heard. You will discover:How the earliest tribes got by without a leader.How the first ever kings and queens ruled their people.When and how
Strap in for a rip-roaring ride through the history of the universe, starting with the Big Bang, and bringing us right up to present day. What was the universe like when it was a few seconds old? How
Maths + history + jokes - boring bits = A Quick History of Maths. This book begins around 43,000 years ago with a notched baboon leg, the Lebombo bone (the very first mathematical object in the world) and rushes us past Hindu numerals and the invention of zero, via Pythagoras, Pascal and probability, right up to the present day, with big data and the maths that rules our digital lives. Geometri-coolYou will discover:How to count on your fingers (there are more ways than you might think )Why we have 60 seconds in a minute (hint: it's to do with the ancient Babylonians)How to count like an Egyptian (using hieroglyphs)Why it's hip to be square using square numbersA Pythagorean party trickThe naked truth of Archimedes' bath time mathematicsHow to do matha-magic with magic squares...and much more.In chronological order from pre-history to present day, this is the story of maths itself. It's 43,000 years of human mathematical endeavor squeezed into one book for your reading pleasure
Maths + history + jokes - boring bits = A Quick History of Maths. This book begins around 43,000 years ago with a notched baboon leg, the Lebombo bone (the very first mathematical object in the world)
A Quick History of Money takes us from barter to Bitcoin, packed with facts and jokes about how and why money works… and sometimes doesn’t.Why is a $5 note worth $5? Where do coins come from? What do