Learn all the essential facts about our solar system and beyond in this illustrated, interactive, and educational activity book for kids. How old is the universe? How was the Earth formed? What lies beyond our solar system? Active Learning: Stars & Planets covers all these questions and more! Children will have fun learning through doing, with dozens of different activity types to fully engage with and explore the stars and planets in outer space. Kids aged 8-12 will be occupied for hours as they pore over the information-packed pages in this space activity book and tackle the wide range of puzzles - including mazes and tangles, code-breakers, matching games, anagrams, word searches, logic games, classification and identification games, quizzes, sudoku, odd one out, drawing, and colouring.This exciting stars and planets activity book for children includes: - Detailed, high-quality illustrations and photography alongside informative text to engage children aged 8-12 with learning. -
◆正宗數獨發源地Nikoli正版授權!◆最適合青少年的腦力開發遊戲,增強數字、邏輯與推理能力!◆以娛樂為餌、以益智為本,寓教於樂,讓腦筋越玩越靈活!◆遊戲大開本,閱讀不費力! 每天一數壹,考試得第一! 研究報告證明,透過遊戲訓練,腦袋也能越玩越靈光!數壹為日本Nikoli繼數獨後發明的新益智遊戲。數壹Hitori的全名是Hitori ni shite kure,意指 “let me alon