In recent years, Europe has had to constantly rethink and redefine its attitude towards new flows of immigrations. Issues of boundaries and identity have been integral to this reflection. Through a ma
Time Signatures engages in a close study of the autobiographical writings of three contemporary Francophone writers from the Maghreb: Assia Djebar, HZl_ne Cixous, and AbdelkZbir Khatibi. Alluding to m
After noting that Francophone studies outside of France are a major trend in the field, Stovell (history, U. of California-Berkeley) and Abbeele (French and Italian, U. of California-Davis) introduce
Organized by region, boasting an international roster of contributors, and including summaries of selected creative and critical works and a guide to selected terms and figures, Salhi's volume is an i
Motivated by a desire to narrate and contextualize the deluge of 'French theory,' After the Deluege showcases recent work by today's brightest scholars of French intellectual history that historicizes
Through the study of Charles Testut's Le Vieux Salomon, a nineteenth-century southern Francophone antislavery novel, this book encourages a reassessment of the southern experience and of the canon of
In this provocative book Serrano argues that most attempts to use postcolonialism to account for francophone writers reveal more about the critics' assumptions than about the writers' work. He also as
Time Signatures engages in a close study of the autobiographical writings of three contemporary Francophone writers from the Maghreb: Assia Djebar, Helene Cixous, and Abdelkebir Khatibi. Alluding to m
This book is situated between studies of the material object of the book and Algerian women’s writing. It examines the iconographic depictions on book covers of three of the most studied francophone w
The Other Hybrid Archipelago presents the French language postcolonial writing of the Indian Ocean islands_Madagascar, Mauritius, Reunion, the Comoros, the Seychelles_to an Anglophone audience. Concen
Spaces of Creation examines the creative and synergistic potential of mothers and daughters in diverse Francophone societies. The study reveals that problematic issues of dynamic, postcolonial societi
From its early focus on documentary film and nation building to its more recent spotlight on contemporary culture and feature filmmaking, Moroccan cinema has undergone tremendous change since the coun
Writerly Identities in Beur Fiction and Beyond explores the Beur/banlieue literary and cultural field from its beginnings in the 1980s to the present. It examines the struggles of author-characters to
This book encompasses a historically based literary analysis through an ecocritical perspective, in a thematic examination of how backwoodsmen from the seventeenth-century through the nineteenth-centu
Undoubtedly one of Africa’s most influential first generation of writers and filmmakers, Ousmane Sembene's creative works of fiction as well as his films have been the subject of a considerable number
This book demonstrates how the invisibility of women in Gabon has led to the omission of Gabon’s literature from the African canon, and discusses the unique elements of Gabonese women’s writing that s
The Star, the Cross, and the Crescent examines how Francophone writers from the Maghreb and the Near East represent the intertwining of religion and politics in various disputes, such as the Arab-Isra
Writing and Filming the Genocide of the Tutsis in Rwanda is a groundbreaking study that puts into dialogue testimonies, literary fictions, and cinematic representations bearing witness to the genocide