Brandt (U. of Siegen, Germany) looks at what was going on with bodies in the US during the decade and a half after World War II. Among his perspectives are television, consumerism, and the dialectics
This collection of essays on American philosopher William James, the originator of pragmatism, is for scholars in philosophy, literary and cultural studies, social science, and religious studies Inter
Drawing on interviews with their leaders and on literature by and about them, Hoepfner (U. of Passau, Germany) profiles Jewish political organizations in the two countries. He begins by setting out hi
The editors (all affiliated with the Heidelberg Center for American Studies, Germany) present 15 essays that explore the American presidency from a variety of disciplinary and cross-disciplinary persp
This study analyzes New England illness narratives of the colonial period, demonstrating how illness narratives changed as scientific knowledge grew and how illness narratives integrated the perspecti
Author Nicole Hirschfelder presents students, academics, researchers and general interest readers with an examination of the life of Bayard Rustin, an African-American civil rights leader, using the e