This landmark book is the first to provide a comprehensive account of Aristotle s concept of chance. Chance is invoked by many to explain order in the universe, the origins of life, even human freedom
In 1935 Edmund Husserl delivered his now famous lecture Philosophy and the Crisis of European Humanity, in which he argued that the misguided rationalism of modern Western science, dominated by the mo
Counters the long-standing, solemn interpretation of Plato’s dialogues with one centered on the philosophical and pedagogical significance of Socrates as a comic figure.
Discusses the importance of the early history of Greek mathematics to education and civic life through a study of the Parthenon and dialogues of Plato.
Counters the long-standing, solemn interpretation of Plato’s dialogues with one centered on the philosophical and pedagogical significance of Socrates as a comic figure.
A specialist work for those studying or researching Aristotle and his philosophy. Husain proposes an approach to reading Poetics based on principles and criteria associated with Aristotle's philosop
Schreiber's (philosophy and classical studies, St. Norbert College) hackles were raised by Aristotle's claims that there were 12 and only 12 ways by which false arguments can appear to be persuasive.
This is an attack on Aristotle showing that his misplaced drive toward the consistent application of his actualistic ontology (denying the reality of all potential things) resulted in many of his majo