《新世紀福爾摩斯》經典人物場景著色本。 The visual landscape of the BBC's Sherlock is rich and complex. The Mind Palace is a unique celebration of that world, featuring over 50 intricate pieces of artwork for fans to col
《仰望夜空》(Sky at Night)雜誌是一本由英國廣播公司(BBC)出版的關於天文學和天文觀測的雜誌,這本雜誌是在BBC已有50多年歷史的《仰望夜空》專欄電視節目的基礎上誕生的。《仰望夜空》欄目曾由知名天文學家帕特裡克?摩爾先生主持,現已成為BBC的經典節目之一。從宇航登月到日食觀測,從夜觀天象到人物訪談,從天文攝影到太空探索,這本雜誌的內容包羅萬象、應有盡有。本書是BBC基於《仰望夜空》雜誌出版的一系列圖書之一,主要介紹了觀測我們的衛星月球的方法及技巧。本書從認識月球所需的基礎知識講起,作者將月球分為了4個象限,詳細講解了在各象限中值得重點觀測的目標及觀測方法,之後還給出了月球攝影指南及對未來月球基地的暢想等內容。本書適合廣大天文愛好者閱讀、收藏。
A visually stunning and comprehensive guide to the hit BBC series, Sherlock: Chronicles tells the full story of the show as you’ve never seen it before. Packed with exclusive unseen material, includi
《仰望夜空》(Sky at Night)雜誌是一本由英國廣播公司(BBC)出版的關於天文學和天文觀測的雜誌,這本雜誌是在BBC已有50多年歷史的《仰望夜空》專欄電視節目的基礎上誕生的。《仰望夜空》欄目曾由天文學家帕特裡克·摩爾先生主持,現已成為BBC的節目之一。從宇航登月到日食觀測,從夜觀天象到人物訪談,從天文攝影到太空探索,這本雜誌的內容包羅萬象。本書是BBC基於《仰望夜空》雜誌出版的一系列圖書之一,主要介紹了觀星的方法及技巧。書中從認識夜空所需的基礎知識講起,詳細講解了雙筒望遠鏡和天文望遠鏡及其配件的使用方法,並重點介紹了夜空中各種天體的觀測方法,包括我們的太陽系及其他深空天體等。本書適合廣大天文愛好者閱讀、收藏。
What is a jungle? Find out about jungle plants and animals in this BBC Earth reader. The Ladybird Do You Know? graded readers series comprises a range of non-fiction STEM titles for young learners o
Do all birds fly? What do insects eat? Find out about birds and insects in this BBC Earth reader. The Ladybird Do You Know? graded readers series comprises a range of non-fiction STEM titles for you
What are corals? What lives near a coral reef? Find out about coral reefs and animals that live there in this BBC Earth reader. The Ladybird Do You Know? graded readers series comprises a range of n
BANG! What is G-force? What is a sonic boom? Find out more about the science of fast cars and high speed.High Speed, a Level 4 Reader, is A2 in the CEFR framework and supports YLE Flyers exams. The longer text is made up of sentences with up to three clauses, more complex past and future tense structures, modal verbs and a wider variety of conjunctions.
What is energy? How do we get clean energy? Find out more about the fossil fuels, climate change and renewable energy.Making Clean Energy, a Level 4 Reader, is A2 in the CEFR framework and supports YLE Flyers exams. The longer text is made up of sentences with up to three clauses, more complex past and future tense structures, modal verbs and a wider variety of conjunctions.