Like the other titles in Barron's Business Review Series, the new sixth edition of Accounting makes a useful supplement to college textbooks, and is also excellent as a main text in business brush-up
This updated title in Barron's Business Review series shows how to apply statistical methods to a variety of business situations in order to produce enlightening and profitable information. Topics
Titles in Barron's Business Review series are widely used as classroom supplements to college textbooks, and often serve as a main textbook in business brush-up programs. Business Law focuses on the i
Titles in Barron's Business Review series are widely used as classroom supplements to college textbooks and often serve as a main textbook in business brush-up programs.Business Law focuses on the imp
This supplement to a college text can also be used as a main text in an adult education or business review course. Notable for its succinct coverage, plain language, and larger type size, the book wil
BarronA's Business Review Books are typically used as college textbook supplements or as main texts in adult education and business brush-up courses. They also make excellent teach-yourself texts fo
This updated edition defines and explains key financial terms and discusses topics that include:Business types and taxation methods, including the latest changes in 2017 and 2018The value of money ove
Professor Richard SandhusenA's brand-new and important fourth edition of Marketing explains how four digital-age systems have merged into one to change marketing and management practice as much in t
A thoughtful and comprehensive guide to Economics with crystal-clear summaries and explanationsBooks in this series are designed for classroom use, summarizing key concepts and presenting review quest
This updated edition defines and explains key financial terms and discusses topics that include-- Business types and taxation methods a?¢ The value of money over time Capital budgeting a?¢ Investin