Train Heartnet, also known as "Black Cat," was an infamous assassin for a secret organization called Chronos...until he abandoned that cold-blooded existence to live on his own terms as an easygoing
The battle between Creed's Apostles and the Cerberus Team ends in a draw, with serious wounds on both sides. Just when Train thinks he can relax again, his friends Sven and Eve are captured by Creed,
In order to revert back to his regular-sized self, Train sets out to see Dr. Tearju, a woman who bears a striking resemblance to the girl Eve. But before she can help Train return to normal, the Apos
An instant blockbuster in Italy where it has sold over 700,000 copies, and now an international literary phenomenon, 100 Strokes of the Brush Before Bed is the fictionalized memoir of Melissa P., a S
The New York Times bestselling author of Plot Boiler takes us back to Pettistone’s Fine Books, where Hamlet the cat isn’t the only shadowy figure lurking around the Brooklyn brownstone… As Thanks
A debut collection of interconnected stories explores the bizarre microcosm of the business of rock music, capturing a world of worshipful fans, egotistical and unbalanced stars, and crude A&R exe
As the new owners of Pettistone's Fine Books, Darla Pettistone is determined to prove herself a worthy successor to her late great-aunt Dee...and equally determined to outwit Hamlet, the smarter-tha
The Fourth of July weekend promises lots of excitement for the cozy town of Catfish Cove. A dog parade, bonfire, barbecue and fireworks are sure to bring in the crowds and give a boost to all business
Annie Fisher is scared. She’s scared of the mess her boyfriend, Max Parker, is in the middle of and she has to get out of his house. She puts a whole state between them and drives like a madwoman from