Pure Data(通常簡稱為Pd)是一門專業而高效的用於電子音頻處理的聲音編程語言,是一種為音頻、視頻和圖像處理專門設計的實時圖形化程式設計環境。Pure Data通常用於實時音樂表演、VJ、音效設計、作曲、音頻分析、連接傳感器、調用攝像頭、控制機器人,甚至與網頁進行交互等場合。 Pd是一款開源軟體,其原始程式碼是開放的,不屬於任何公司或集團,也沒有註冊專利,所以所有使用者都可以自由使用開源軟體
This pocket book is an up-to-date guide to the diagnostic imaging of head and neck cancers. The focus is particularly on FDG PET/CT, with coverage of the basic principles, clinical indications, typica
This pocket book offers a succinct but comprehensive overview of the role of PET/CT in radiotherapy planning. Individual chapters are devoted to specific application of the technique to particular tum
This book is a pocket guide to the role of PET/CT in malignancies of the hepatobiliary system and pancreas. Imaging findings characteristic of malignancies are described and illustrated, and attention
This concise, excellently illustrated pocket book provides an up-to-date summary of the science and practice of PET/CT imaging in lung cancer. The coverage encompasses the entire spectrum of lung canc