In the rapidly advancing field of flight aerodynamics, it is especially important for students to master the fundamentals. This text, written by renowned experts, clearly presents the basic concepts of underlying aerodynamic prediction methodology. These concepts are closely linked to physical principles so that they are more readily retained and their limits of applicability are fully appreciated. Ultimately, this will provide students with the necessary tools to confidently approach and solve practical flight vehicle design problems of current and future interest. This book is designed for use in courses on aerodynamics at an advanced undergraduate or graduate level. A comprehensive set of exercise problems is included at the end of each chapter.
The new edition of this popular textbook provides a modern, accessible introduction to the whole process of aircraft design from requirements to conceptual design, manufacture and in-service issues. Highly illustrated descriptions of the full spectrum of aircraft types, their aerodynamics, structures and systems, allow students to appreciate good and poor design and understand how to improve their own designs. Cost data is considerably updated, many new images have been added and new sections are included on the emerging fields of Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles and environmentally-friendly airlines. Examples from real aircraft projects are presented throughout, demonstrating to students the applications of the theory. Three appendices and a bibliography provide a wealth of information, much not published elsewhere, including simple aerodynamic formulae, an introduction to airworthiness and environmental requirements, aircraft, engine and equipment data, and a case study of the conceptual
This current and comprehensive book provides an updated treatment of molecular gas dynamics topics for aerospace engineers, or anyone researching high-temperature gas flows for hypersonic vehicles and propulsion systems. It demonstrates how the areas of quantum mechanics, kinetic theory, and statistical mechanics can combine in order to facilitate the study of nonequilibrium processes of internal energy relaxation and chemistry. All of these theoretical ideas are used to explain the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method, a numerical technique based on molecular simulation. Because this text provides comprehensive coverage of the physical models available for use in the DSMC method, in addition to the equations and algorithms required to implement the DSMC numerical method, readers will learn to solve nonequilibrium flow problems and perform computer simulations, and obtain a more complete understanding of various physical modeling options for DSMC than is available in other
Shock wave-boundary-layer interaction (SBLI) is a fundamental phenomenon in gas dynamics that is observed in many practical situations, ranging from transonic aircraft wings to hypersonic vehicles and engines. SBLIs have the potential to pose serious problems in a flowfield; hence they often prove to be a critical - or even design limiting - issue for many aerospace applications. This is the first book devoted solely to a comprehensive, state-of-the-art explanation of this phenomenon. It includes a description of the basic fluid mechanics of SBLIs plus contributions from leading international experts who share their insight into their physics and the impact they have in practical flow situations. This book is for practitioners and graduate students in aerodynamics who wish to familiarize themselves with all aspects of SBLI flows. It is a valuable resource for specialists because it compiles experimental, computational and theoretical knowledge in one place.
This book provides an informative account of the design of instruments used in rockets and spacecraft. The volume begins with a chapter introducing the basic principles of designing for the space environment. Following chapters discuss mechanical, structural, thermal and electronic design including the problems that are frequently encountered in the testing and verification of spacecraft subsystems. Important topics are described, including stress analysis, multilayer insulation, two-dimensional sensor systems, mechanisms, the structure of space optics, and project management and control. A final chapter looks towards future developments of space instrument design and addresses issues arising from financial constraints. The book contains lists of symbols, acronyms and units and a comprehensive reference list. Worked examples are found throughout the text. This volume is suitable for researchers and engineers in spacecraft and space instrument design. It will also be valuable to graduat
Low Reynolds number aerodynamics is important to a number of natural and man-made flyers. Birds, bats, and insects have been of interest to biologists for years, and active study in the aerospace engineering community, motivated by interest in micro air vehicles (MAVs), has been increasing rapidly. The focus of this book is the aerodynamics associated with fixed and flapping wings. The book considers both biological flyers and MAVs, including a summary of the scaling laws which relate the aerodynamics and flight characteristics to a flyer's sizing on the basis of simple geometric and dynamics analyses, structural flexibility, laminar-turbulent transition, airfoil shapes, and unsteady flapping wing aerodynamics. The interplay between flapping kinematics and key dimensionless parameters such as the Reynolds number, Strouhal number, and reduced frequency is highlighted. The various unsteady lift enhancement mechanisms are also addressed.
The Cambridge Aerospace Dictionary is an authoritative and accessible reference useful to scholars and enthusiasts alike. This dictionary is an essential tool for professionals involved in the aerospace industry and flight, and for anyone who must read and understand the technical literature of the aerospace industry and about specific air and spacecraft. It is also an ideal reference for engineering and physics students encountering a subject replete with technical jargon and acronyms. Bill Gunston, one of the most widely read and respected aviation writers, has added more than 5000 new terms and acronyms to this carefully updated volume. Terms used in the dictionary reflect the diverse and international nature of the aerospace materials and organizations. Gunston has scrupulously avoided terms specific to manufacturers, airlines and armed forces in an effort to encourage clear communication and understanding among professionals.
Although the complexity and capability of flight simulators have matched the growth of aerospace technology, there has until now been no textbook dealing specifically with the design and construction of flight simulators. This is a primary purpose of Flight Simulation. Written in collaboration with a number of internationally known specialists, the book considers the subject in three sections. Firstly it introduces the concept of simulation in order to identify the essential elements which make up the modern flight simulator. The development of these elements is also traced through the historical evolution of flight simulation. The main section of the book commences with an exposition of the mathematical models into dynamic physical devices capable of representing the response of a specific aircraft and its systems. The simulation of the flight environment is also covered in relation to cockpit motion systems and methods of representing the external visual scene. Another important
This book describes the principles and equations required for evaluating the performance of an aircraft. After introductory chapters on the atmosphere, basic flight theory and drag, the book goes on to consider in detail the estimation of climbing performance, the relevant characteristics of power plants, take-off and landing performance, range and turning performance. There is then a short account of the use of vectored thrust and a final chapter on transonic and supersonic flight. The emphasis is on deriving and applying simple analytical expressions rather than on computations from extensive numerical data, but all the exemplary calculations refer to current types of aircraft and the few necessary data are provided. The greater part of the book refers to subsonic aircraft flying at subcritical speeds, which can be dealt with using relatively simple equations, but it is shown that some of this simplicity can be carried over to transonic and supersonic speeds.
Satellites are used increasingly in telecommunications, scientific research, surveillance, and meteorology, and these satellites rely heavily on the effectiveness of complex onboard control systems. This 1997 book explains the basic theory of spacecraft dynamics and control and the practical aspects of controlling a satellite. The emphasis throughout is on analyzing and solving real-world engineering problems. For example, the author discusses orbital and rotational dynamics of spacecraft under a variety of environmental conditions, along with the realistic constraints imposed by available hardware. Among the topics covered are orbital dynamics, attitude dynamics, gravity gradient stabilization, single and dual spin stabilization, attitude maneuvers, attitude stabilization, and structural dynamics and liquid sloshing.
From the early machines to today's sophisticated aircraft, stability and control have always been crucial considerations. In this second edition, Abzug and Larrabee again forge through the history of aviation technologies to present an informal history of the personalities and the events, the art and the science of airplane stability and control. The book includes never-before-available impressions of those active in the field, from pre-Wright brothers airplane and glider builders through to contemporary aircraft designers. Arranged thematically, the book deals with early developments, research centers, the effects of power on stability and control, the discovery of inertial coupling, the challenge of stealth aerodynamics, a look toward the future, and much more. It is profusely illustrated with photographs and figures, and includes brief biographies of noted stability and control figures along with a core bibliography. Professionals, students, and aviation enthusiasts alike will appre
This introductory 2005 text on air-breathing jet propulsion focuses on the basic operating principles of jet engines and gas turbines. Previous coursework in fluid mechanics and thermodynamics is elucidated and applied to help the student understand and predict the characteristics of engine components and various types of engines and power gas turbines. Numerous examples help the reader appreciate the methods and differing, representative physical parameters. A capstone chapter integrates the text material into a portion of the book devoted to system matching and analysis so that engine performance can be predicted for both on- and off-design conditions. The book is designed for advanced undergraduate and first-year graduate students in aerospace and mechanical engineering. A basic understanding of fluid dynamics and thermodynamics is presumed. Although aircraft propulsion is the focus, the material can also be used to study ground- and marine-based gas turbines and turbomachinery and
This text provides a thorough, modern treatment of the aerodynamic principles of helicopters and other rotating-wing vertical lift aircraft. It covers basic topics of aerodynamic analysis, helicopter
Noise pollution around airports, trains, and industries increasingly attracts environmental concern and regulation. Designers and researchers have intensified the use of large-eddy simulation (LES) for noise reduced industrial design and acoustical research. This 2007 book, written by 30 experts, presents the theoretical background of acoustics and of LES, followed by details about numerical methods, e.g. discretization schemes, boundary conditions, coupling aspects. Industrially relevant, hybrid RANS/LES techniques for acoustic source predictions are presented in detail. Many applications are featured ranging from simple geometries for mixing layers and jet flows to complex wing and car geometries. Selected applications include scientific investigations at industrial and university research institutions.
This book is intended for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in mechanical and aerospace engineering taking a course commonly called Principles of Turbomachinery or Aerospace Propulsion. It begins with a review of basic thermodynamics and fluid mechanics principles to motivate their application to aerothermodynamics and real-life design issues. This approach is ideal for the reader who will face practical situations and design decisions in the gas turbine industry. Among the features of the book are: • An emphasis on the role of entropy in assessing machine performance • A timely review of flow structures • Revisiting the subsonic and supersonic De Laval nozzle as it applies to bladed turbomachinery components • An applied review of boundary layer principles • And highlighting the importance of invariant properties across a turbomachinery component in carrying out real computational tasks. The text is fully supported by over two hundred figures, numerous examples and
Noise pollution around airports, trains, and industries increasingly attracts environmental concern and regulation. Designers and researchers have intensified the use of large-eddy simulation (LES) for noise reduced industrial design and acoustical research. This 2007 book, written by 30 experts, presents the theoretical background of acoustics and of LES, followed by details about numerical methods, e.g. discretization schemes, boundary conditions, coupling aspects. Industrially relevant, hybrid RANS/LES techniques for acoustic source predictions are presented in detail. Many applications are featured ranging from simple geometries for mixing layers and jet flows to complex wing and car geometries. Selected applications include scientific investigations at industrial and university research institutions.
The purpose of this book is to present the basic elements of numerical methods for compressible flows. It is appropriate for advanced undergraduate and graduate students and specialists working in high speed flows. The focus is on the unsteady one-dimensional Euler equations which form the basis for numerical algorithms in compressible fluid mechanics. The book is restricted to the basic concepts of finite volume methods, and even in this regard is not intended to be exhaustive in its treatment. Although the practical applications of the one-dimensional Euler equations are limited, virtually all numerical algorithms for inviscid compressible flow in two and three dimensions owe their origin to techniques developed in the context of the one-dimensional Euler equations. The author believes it is therefore essential to understand the development and implementation of these algorithms in their original one-dimensional context. The text is supplemented by numerous end-of-chapter exercises.
From the early machines to today's sophisticated aircraft, stability and control have always been crucial considerations. In this second edition, Abzug and Larrabee again forge through the history of aviation technologies to present an informal history of the personalities and the events, the art and the science of airplane stability and control. The book includes never-before-available impressions of those active in the field, from pre-Wright brothers airplane and glider builders through to contemporary aircraft designers. Arranged thematically, the book deals with early developments, research centers, the effects of power on stability and control, the discovery of inertial coupling, the challenge of stealth aerodynamics, a look toward the future, and much more. It is profusely illustrated with photographs and figures, and includes brief biographies of noted stability and control figures along with a core bibliography. Professionals, students, and aviation enthusiasts alike will appre