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Catherine Lu (1)
David Applebaum (1)
Dorian Goldfeld (1)
Helmut Volklein (1)
Isaac Chavel (1)
James Carlson (1)
Ken-iti Sato (1)
Philippe Gille (1)
R. M. Dudley (1)
Richard P. Stanley (1)
Shigeru Mukai (1)

Cambridge Univ Pr (11)

三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

Enumerative Combinatorics
作者:Richard P. Stanley  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2011/11/30 裝訂:平裝
Richard Stanley's two-volume basic introduction to enumerative combinatorics has become the standard guide to the topic for students and experts alike. This thoroughly revised second edition of Volume 1 includes ten new sections and more than 300 new exercises, most with solutions, reflecting numerous new developments since the publication of the first edition in 1986. The author brings the coverage up to date and includes a wide variety of additional applications and examples, as well as updated and expanded chapter bibliographies. Many of the less difficult new exercises have no solutions so that they can more easily be assigned to students. The material on P-partitions has been rearranged and generalized; the treatment of permutation statistics has been greatly enlarged; and there are also new sections on q-analogues of permutations, hyperplane arrangements, the cd-index, promotion and evacuation and differential posets.
定價:3119 元, 優惠價:9 2807
An Introduction to Invariants and Moduli
作者:Shigeru Mukai  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2012/08/16 裝訂:平裝
Incorporated in this 2003 volume are the first two books in Mukai's series on moduli theory. The notion of a moduli space is central to geometry. However, its influence is not confined there; for example, the theory of moduli spaces is a crucial ingredient in the proof of Fermat's last theorem. Researchers and graduate students working in areas ranging from Donaldson or Seiberg-Witten invariants to more concrete problems such as vector bundles on curves will find this to be a valuable resource. Amongst other things this volume includes an improved presentation of the classical foundations of invarant theory that, in addition to geometers, would be useful to those studying representation theory. This translation gives an accurate account of Mukai's influential Japanese texts.
定價:3704 元, 優惠價:9 3334
Uniform Central Limit Theorems
作者:R. M. Dudley  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2014/02/28 裝訂:平裝
In this new edition of a classic work on empirical processes the author, an acknowledged expert, gives a thorough treatment of the subject with the addition of several proved theorems not included in the first edition, including the Bretagnolle–Massart theorem giving constants in the Komlos–Major–Tusnady rate of convergence for the classical empirical process, Massart's form of the Dvoretzky–Kiefer–Wolfowitz inequality with precise constant, Talagrand's generic chaining approach to boundedness of Gaussian processes, a characterization of uniform Glivenko–Cantelli classes of functions, Giné and Zinn's characterization of uniform Donsker classes, and the Bousquet–Koltchinskii–Panchenko theorem that the convex hull of a uniform Donsker class is uniform Donsker. The book will be an essential reference for mathematicians working in infinite-dimensional central limit theorems, mathematical statisticians, and computer scientists working in computer learning theory. Problems are included at
定價:2469 元, 優惠價:9 2222
Central Simple Algebras and Galois Cohomology
作者:Philippe Gille  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2017/07/31 裝訂:平裝
The first comprehensive, modern introduction to the theory of central simple algebras over arbitrary fields, this book starts from the basics and reaches such advanced results as the Merkurjev–Suslin theorem, a culmination of work initiated by Brauer, Noether, Hasse and Albert, and the starting point of current research in motivic cohomology theory by Voevodsky, Suslin, Rost and others. Assuming only a solid background in algebra, the text covers the basic theory of central simple algebras, methods of Galois descent and Galois cohomology, Severi–Brauer varieties, and techniques in Milnor K-theory and K-cohomology, leading to a full proof of the Merkurjev–Suslin theorem and its application to the characterization of reduced norms. The final chapter rounds off the theory by presenting the results in positive characteristic, including the theorems of Bloch–Gabber–Kato and Izhboldin. This second edition has been carefully revised and updated, and contains important additional topics.
定價:2534 元, 優惠價:9 2281
Period Mappings and Period Domains
作者:James Carlson  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2017/07/31 裝訂:平裝
This up-to-date introduction to Griffiths' theory of period maps and period domains focusses on algebraic, group-theoretic and differential geometric aspects. Starting with an explanation of Griffiths' basic theory, the authors go on to introduce spectral sequences and Koszul complexes that are used to derive results about cycles on higher-dimensional algebraic varieties such as the Noether–Lefschetz theorem and Nori's theorem. They explain differential geometric methods, leading up to proofs of Arakelov-type theorems, the theorem of the fixed part and the rigidity theorem. They also use Higgs bundles and harmonic maps to prove the striking result that not all compact quotients of period domains are Kähler. This thoroughly revised second edition includes a new third part covering important recent developments, in which the group-theoretic approach to Hodge structures is explained, leading to Mumford–Tate groups and their associated domains, the Mumford–Tate varieties and
定價:2794 元, 優惠價:9 2515
LTvy Processes and Infinitely Divisible Distributions
作者:Ken-iti Sato  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2013/12/23 裝訂:平裝
Lévy processes are rich mathematical objects and constitute perhaps the most basic class of stochastic processes with a continuous time parameter. This book is intended to provide the reader with comprehensive basic knowledge of Lévy processes, and at the same time serve as an introduction to stochastic processes in general. No specialist knowledge is assumed and proofs are given in detail. Systematic study is made of stable and semi-stable processes, and the author gives special emphasis to the correspondence between Lévy processes and infinitely divisible distributions. All serious students of random phenomena will find that this book has much to offer. Now in paperback, this corrected edition contains a brand new supplement discussing relevant developments in the area since the book's initial publication.
定價:3964 元, 優惠價:9 3568
Riemannian Geometry―A Modern Introduction
作者:Isaac Chavel  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2006/04/30 裝訂:平裝
This book provides an introduction to Riemannian geometry, the geometry of curved spaces, for use in a graduate course. Requiring only an understanding of differentiable manifolds, the author covers the introductory ideas of Riemannian geometry followed by a selection of more specialized topics. Also featured are Notes and Exercises for each chapter, to develop and enrich the reader's appreciation of the subject. This second edition, first published in 2006, has a clearer treatment of many topics than the first edition, with new proofs of some theorems and a new chapter on the Riemannian geometry of surfaces. The main themes here are the effect of the curvature on the usual notions of classical Euclidean geometry, and the new notions and ideas motivated by curvature itself. Completely new themes created by curvature include the classical Rauch comparison theorem and its consequences in geometry and topology, and the interaction of microscopic behavior of the geometry with the
定價:3184 元, 優惠價:9 2866
作者:David Applebaum  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2009/05/11 裝訂:平裝
Lévy processes form a wide and rich class of random process, and have many applications ranging from physics to finance. Stochastic calculus is the mathematics of systems interacting with random noise. Here, the author ties these two subjects together, beginning with an introduction to the general theory of Lévy processes, then leading on to develop the stochastic calculus for Lévy processes in a direct and accessible way. This fully revised edition now features a number of new topics. These include: regular variation and subexponential distributions; necessary and sufficient conditions for Lévy processes to have finite moments; characterisation of Lévy processes with finite variation; Kunita's estimates for moments of Lévy type stochastic integrals; new proofs of Ito representation and martingale representation theorems for general Lévy processes; multiple Wiener-Lévy integrals and chaos decomposition; an introduction to Malliavin calculus; an introduction to stability theory for
Automorphic Forms and L-Functions for the Group GL - n,R
作者:Dorian Goldfeld  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2015/11/12 裝訂:平裝
L-functions associated to automorphic forms encode all classical number theoretic information. They are akin to elementary particles in physics. This book provides an entirely self-contained introduction to the theory of L-functions in a style accessible to graduate students with a basic knowledge of classical analysis, complex variable theory, and algebra. Also within the volume are many new results not yet found in the literature. The exposition provides complete detailed proofs of results in an easy-to-read format using many examples and without the need to know and remember many complex definitions. The main themes of the book are first worked out for GL(2,R) and GL(3,R), and then for the general case of GL(n,R). In an appendix to the book, a set of Mathematica functions is presented, designed to allow the reader to explore the theory from a computational point of view.
定價:3184 元, 優惠價:9 2866
Groups as Galois Groups:An Introduction
作者:Helmut Volklein  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2008/06/12 裝訂:平裝
This book describes various approaches to the Inverse Galois Problem, a classical unsolved problem of mathematics posed by Hilbert at the beginning of the century. It brings together ideas from group theory, algebraic geometry and number theory, topology, and analysis. Assuming only elementary algebra and complex analysis, the author develops the necessary background from topology, Riemann surface theory and number theory. The first part of the book is quite elementary, and leads up to the basic rigidity criteria for the realisation of groups as Galois groups. The second part presents more advanced topics, such as braid group action and moduli spaces for covers of the Riemann sphere, GAR- and GAL- realizations, and patching over complete valued fields. Graduate students and mathematicians from other areas (especially group theory) will find this an excellent introduction to a fascinating field.
定價:2924 元, 優惠價:9 2632
Justice and Reconciliation in World Politics
作者:Catherine Lu  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2018/08/16 裝訂:平裝
Calls for justice and reconciliation in response to political catastrophes are widespread in contemporary world politics. What implications do these normative strivings have in relation to colonial injustice? Examining cases of colonial war, genocide, forced sexual labor, forcible incorporation, and dispossession, Lu demonstrates that international practices of justice and reconciliation have historically suffered from, and continue to reflect, colonial, statist and other structural biases. The continued reproduction of structural injustice and alienation in modern domestic, international and transnational orders generates contemporary duties of redress. How should we think about the responsibility of contemporary agents to address colonial structural injustices and what implications follow for the transformation of international and transnational orders? Redressing the structural injustices implicated in or produced by colonial politics requires strategies of decolonization
定價:1859 元, 優惠價:9 1673



