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三民網路書店 / 搜尋結果

作者:Arnold Hunt (University of Durham)  出版社:Cambridge University Press  出版日:2025/01/31 裝訂:精裝
Royal Justice and the Making of the Tudor Commonwealth, 1485–1547
作者:Laura Flannigan (University of Oxford)  出版社:Cambridge University Press  出版日:2025/04/03 裝訂:平裝
定價:1949 元, 優惠價:95 1851
Gender and Policing in Early Modern England
作者:Jonah Miller (University of Cambridge)  出版社:Cambridge University Press  出版日:2025/04/10 裝訂:平裝
定價:1949 元, 優惠價:95 1851
On Laudianism:Piety, Polemic and Politics During the Personal Rule of Charles I
作者:Peter (Vanderbilt University Lake Tennessee)  出版社:Cambridge University Press  出版日:2025/04/10 裝訂:平裝
定價:1949 元, 優惠價:95 1851
作者:Robert I. Frost  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1993/03/01 裝訂:精裝
The Swedish invasion of 1655, known to Poles ever since as the 'Swedish deluge', provoked the political and military collapse of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the second-largest state in Europe.
作者:William Beik  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1989/06/01 裝訂:平裝
Why was Louis XIV successful in pacifying the same aristocrats who had been troublesome for Richelieu and Mazarin? What role did absolutism play in reinforcing or changing the traditional social syst
定價:3350 元, 優惠價:1 3350
作者:Andrew Cambers  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2011/04/25 裝訂:精裝
This innovative study explores the history of Puritanism and the history of reading in the long seventeenth century. Drawing on a wide range of significant but understudied source materials, it seeks to advance our understanding of Puritan or 'godly' culture by examining the place of reading within that culture between c.1580 and 1720. In contrast to long-standing claims about the connections between advanced Protestantism and emergent individualism and interiority, the book demonstrates the importance of communal and public forms of reading in the practice of godly piety. Andrew Cambers employs a novel framework, based around the spaces and places of early modern reading, to offer a revised understanding of the nature of Puritanism and of the practice and representation of reading during the period. Moving beyond existing interpretations, Godly Reading opens up fresh discussions and debates about the nature of early modern reading and religion.
作者:Elizabeth Evenden  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2011/08/22 裝訂:精裝
John Foxe's Acts and Monuments - popularly known as the 'Book of Martyrs' - is a milestone in the history of the English book. An essential history of the English Reformation and a seminal product of it, no English printed book before it had been as long or as lavishly illustrated. Examining the research behind the work and also its financing, printing and dissemination, Elizabeth Evenden and Thomas S. Freeman argue that, apart from Foxe's zeal and industry, the book was only made possible by extensive cooperation between its printer, John Day, and the Elizabethan government. Government patronage, rather than market forces, lay behind the book's success and ensured the triumph of a Protestant interpretation of the Reformation for centuries to come. Based on little-used manuscript sources, this book offers a unique insight not only into the 'Book of Martyrs' and the history of the English book, but into English history itself.
作者:Carys Brown (University of Cambridge)  出版社:Cambridge University Press  出版日:2022/08/31 裝訂:精裝
作者:Jacqueline Rose  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2011/08/31 裝訂:精裝
The position of English monarchs as supreme governors of the Church of England profoundly affected early modern politics and religion. This innovative book explores how tensions in church-state relations created by Henry VIII's Reformation continued to influence relationships between the crown, Parliament and common law during the Restoration, a distinct phase in England's 'long Reformation'. Debates about the powers of kings and parliaments, the treatment of Dissenters and emerging concepts of toleration were viewed through a Reformation prism where legitimacy depended on godly status. This book discusses how the institutional, legal and ideological framework of supremacy perpetuated the language of godly kingship after 1660 and how supremacy was complicated by the ambivalent Tudor legacy. It was manipulated by not only Anglicans, but also tolerant kings and intolerant parliaments, Catholics, Dissenters and radicals like Thomas Hobbes. Invented to uphold the religious and political
作者:Patrick Little  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2007/11/30 裝訂:精裝
This volume provides a detailed book-length study of the period of the Protectorate Parliaments from September 1654 to April 1659. The study is very broad in its scope, covering topics as diverse as the British and Irish dimensions of the Protectorate Parliaments, the political and social nature of factions, problems of management, the legal and judicial aspects of Parliament's functions, foreign policy and the nature of the parliamentary franchise and elections in this period. In its wide-ranging analysis of Parliaments and politics throughout the Protectorate the book also examines both Lord Protectors, all three Protectorate Parliaments and the reasons why Oliver and Richard Cromwell were never able to achieve a stable working relationship with any Parliament. Its chronological coverage extends to the demise of the Third Protectorate Parliament in April 1659. This comprehensive account will appeal to historians of early modern British political history.
作者:E. William Monter  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:2003/10/01 裝訂:平裝
Frontiers of Heresy is among the first major English-language contributions to the history of the Spanish Inquisition since Henry Charles Lea completed his classic curvey eighty years ago. Focusing on
定價:3949 元, 優惠價:1 3949
作者:Robert B. Shoemaker  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1991/09/12 裝訂:精裝
The law was one of the most potent sources of authority and stability in early modern England. Historians, however, have argued over whether the discretion and flexibility embodied in the judicial system was used as a method of social control, and by focusing their attention on felonies and on the action of the protagonists in judicial decisions they have tended to ignore rich sources of information concerning attitudes towards and experiences of the law. Misdemeanour prosecutions affected many more people (and a broader social variety of participants) than felony prosecutions, and in their choice of methods of prosecution both victims and Justices of the Peace exercised considerably greater flexibility in responding to petty crimes than they did with felonies. This book examines the day-to-day operation of the criminal justice system in Middlesex from the point of view of plaintiffs and defendants, and offers an assessment of the social significance of the law in pre-industrial
Criticism and Compliment:The Politics of Literature in the England of Charles I
作者:Kevin Sharpe  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1990/03/29 裝訂:平裝
Criticism and Compliment examines the poems, plays and masques of the three figures who succeeded Ben Jonson as authors of court entertainments in the England of Charles I. The courtly literature of Caroline England has been dismissed by critics and characterised by historians as propaganda for Charles I's absolutism penned by sycophantic hirelings. Kevin Sharpe questions the assumptions on which these evaluations have been based. Challenging the traditional argument for a polarity between court and country cultures in early Stuart England, he re-reads the plays, poems and masques as primary documents of political attitudes articulated at court. Far from being confined to a decade or a party, the courtly literature of the 1630s is relocated within the broader humanist tradition of counsel. Through the language of love - a language, it is argued, that was part of the discourse of politics in Caroline England - the court poets criticised fundamental premises of the King's political
定價:1949 元, 優惠價:9 1754
作者:Avihu Zakai  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1991/11/14 裝訂:精裝
This book explores the ideological origins of the Puritan migration to and experience in America, and shows how Puritans believed that their removal to New England fulfilled prophetic apocalyptic and eschatological visions. An apocalyptic ideology of history, as a mode of historical thought, enabled Puritans to reconstruct their removal to America within the confines of sacred, ecclesiastical history. By tracing the ideological origins of the Puritan migration within the context of the English apocalyptic tradition, Dr Zakai shows how Puritans transformed the premises of that tradition by rejecting the notion of England as God's elect nation and by conferring that title upon the American wilderness. The Puritan migration is analyzed further within the wider context of Western colonization of America. Dr Zakai shows that the unique characteristics of the Puritan settlement in New England derived from identification with the 'Errand of the Church of the Wilderness' as described in the
作者:David L. Smith  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1994/09/08 裝訂:精裝
'Constitutional royalism' is one of the most familiar yet least often examined of all the political labels found in the historiography of the English Revolution. This book fills a gap by investigating the leading Constitutional royalists who rallied to King Charles I in 1642 while consistently urging him to reach an 'accommodation' with Parliament. These royalists' early careers reveal that a commitment to the rule of law and a relative lack of 'godly' zeal were the characteristic predictors of Constitutional royalism in the Civil War. Such attitudes explain why many of them criticised the policies of the King's personal rule, but also why they joined the King in 1642 and tried to achieve a negotiated settlement thereafter. The final part of the book traces the Constitutional royalists through the Interregnum - during which they consciously withdrew from public life - to the Restoration, when many of them returned to prominence and saw their ideas vindicated.
The Blind Devotion of the People:Popular Religion and the English Reformation
作者:Robert Whiting  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1991/10/17 裝訂:平裝
The religious revolution known as the 'Reformation' must rank among the most crucial and transforming events in English history. Yet its original reception by the English people remains largely obscure. Did they welcome the innovations - or did they resist? By what internal motivations were their responses determined? And by what external influences were their attitudes shaped? These are the key issues explored by Robert Whiting in this major investigation, based primarily on original research in the south-west. Dr Whiting's controversial conclusion is that for most of the population the Reformation was less a conversion from Catholicism to Protestantism than a transition from religious commitment to religious passivity or even indifference.
定價:2859 元, 優惠價:9 2573
作者:Paul E. J. Hammer  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1999/06/24 裝訂:精裝
The final decades of the reign of Elizabeth I were marked by the meteoric career of her last great favourite, Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex (1565–1601), and the outbreak of bitter political divisions at Court and across the realm. This revisionist 1999 study challenges the traditional 'romantic' image of Essex as a military incompetent and political dabbler. Studying his career between his arrival at court in 1585 and his appointment as earl marshal at the end of 1597, the book casts Essex in a new light and re-examines his role in the outbreak of factionalism in Elizabethan politics. Using an unparalleled range of manuscript and printed sources it explores the forces which drove Essex's career, why true political success remained frustratingly beyond his grasp, and how his efforts to achieve this success helped to fuel the polarisation of Elizabethan politics.
作者:Steven C. A. Pincus  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1996/05/09 裝訂:精裝
Protestantism and Patriotism offers a fundamental reinterpretation of English political culture between 1650 and 1668. It is also both the most detailed study to date of the causes and consequences of the first two Anglo-Dutch Wars (1652–1654 and 1665–1667), and a configuration of the English political nation which engaged in those two conflicts. Professor Pincus argues that it is impossible to understand the making of English foreign policy in this period without a careful study of its ideological contexts, while at the same time suggesting that accounts of English domestic politics which ignore the ideological implications of England's place in European political culture are impoverished. Because of the broad context in which the Anglo-Dutch Wars are situated, the book will appeal not only to specialists in English foreign policy but to all those interested in seventeenth-century English and Dutch politics and culture.
作者:Michael C. Questier  出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr  出版日:1996/08/29 裝訂:精裝
The Reformation was, in many ways, an experiment in conversion. English Protestants urged conversion from popery to the Gospel, from idolatry to the true God, while Catholic polemicists persuaded people away from heresy to Catholic truth, from schism to unity. Michael Questier's meticulous study of conversion is the first to concentrate on this phenomenon from the perspective of individual converts, people who alternated between conformity to and rejection of the pattern of worship established by law. Since religion was a matter of great political importance, this book also investigates the power of the State to compel uniformity, and the success of the Protestant regime in directing dissidents to conform. By discovering how people were exhorted to change religion, how they experienced conversion, and how they faced demands for Protestant conformity, Michael Questier develops a fresh view of the English Reformation.
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