Jessica Restaino offers a snapshot of the first semester experiences of graduate student writing teachers as they navigate predetermined course syllabi and materials, the pressures of grading, the inf
Jason Palmeri’s Remixing Composition: A History of Multimodal Writing Pedagogy challenges the longheld notion that the study and practice of composition has historically focused on words alone. Palmer
In order to understand the police report genre, its multiple readers, and contexts, Seawright conducted qualitative research for six years, using ethnographic field notes, interviews, observation,
Sánchez develops a new theoretical approach to the study of writing by fusing key aspects of postmodern theory with the empirical sensibilities of composition studies and with that field's long-st
From the Back Cover: In Everyday Genres: Writing Assignments across the Disciplines, Mary Soliday calls on genre theory-which proposes that writing cannot be separated from social situation-to analy