A dystopian thriller follows a boy and girl on the run from a town where all thoughts can be heard – and the passage to manhood embodies a horrible secret.Todd Hewitt is the only boy in a town of men.
The riveting Chaos Walking trilogy by two-time Carnegie Medalist Patrick Ness, in one collection.As a world-ending war surges around them, Todd and Viola face monstrous decisions. The indigenous Spack
Part two of the literary sci-fi thriller follows a boy and a girl who are caught in a warring town where thoughts can be heard—and secrets are never safe.Reaching the end of their flight in The Knife
The riveting Chaos Walking trilogy by two-time Carnegie Medalist Patrick Ness, reissued with compelling new covers?—?and a bonus short story in each book."Narrated with crack dramatic and comic timing
Part two of the literary sci-fi thriller follows a boy and a girl who are caught in a warring town where thoughts can be heard — and secrets are never safe.Reaching the end of their flight in THE KNIF
Read it before you see it! The astonishing series by Patrick Ness that inspired a major motion picture—now in one ready-to-devour boxed set. Dubbed by Publishers Weekly “one of the most important work
Alternate chapters follow teenagers Todd and Viola, who become separated as the Mayor's oppressive new regime takes power in New Prentisstown, a space colony where residents can hear each other's thou
As a world-ending war surges to life around them, Todd and Viola face monstrous decisions. The indigenous Spackle, thinking and acting as one, have mobilized to avenge their murdered people. Ruthless
The riveting Chaos Walking trilogy by two-time Carnegie Medalist Patrick Ness, reissued with compelling new covers?—?and a bonus short story in each book."This is science fiction at its best, and is a
A special anniversary edition, with a striking new cover design, to celebrate 10 years of the Chaos Walking trilogy. Three armies march on New Prentisstown. The New World is at war. Todd and Viola are
A special anniversary edition, with a striking new cover design, to celebrate 10 years of the Chaos Walking trilogy. Fleeing before a relentless army, Todd and Viola once again face their worst enemy,
In the riveting conclusion to the acclaimed dystopian series, a boy and girl caught in the chaos of war face devastating choices that will decide the fate of a world.As a world-ending war surges aroun
In the riveting conclusion to the acclaimed dystopian series, a boy and girl caught in the chaos of war face devastating choices that will decide the fate of a world.As a world-ending war surges aroun