Compass Publishing brings Charles Dicken’s second novel, featuring the innocent young Oliver seemingly trapped in a world of child labor and thievery, to its line of Compass Classic Readers. English l
Compass Publishing brings the first English detective novel to its line of Compass Classic Readers. Wilkie Collins weaves an intricate tale, starting with a yellow diamond being seized by a British of
Compass Publishing brings its first of volumes of selected Edgar Allan Poe’s short stories to its line of Compass Classic Readers. English Language Learners of all ages will enjoy developing their voc
Compass Publishing brings Jane Austen''s captivating novel to its line of Compass Classic Readers. English language learners of all ages will enjoy developing their vocabulary and reading fluency as t
Compass Publishing brings Anthony Hope''s thrilling timeless adventure to its line of Compass Classic Readers. English language learners of all ages will enjoy developing their vocabulary and reading
Compass Publishing brings Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s collection of preeminent detective short stories to its Compass Classic Readers line of readers. English language learners of all ages will enjoy dev
Compass Publishing brings Jules Verne’s whirlwind adventure to its line of Compass Classic Readers. English language learners of all ages will enjoy developing their vocabulary and reading fluency as
Compass Books brings Charles Dickens’ expansive story of a boy’s maturity into a disciplined young man to its Compass Classic Readers line of readers. English language learners of all ages will enjoy
Compass Books brings John Buchan’s international tale of suspense and intrigue to its Compass Classic Readers line of readers. English Language learners of all ages will enjoy developing their vocabul
Compass Publishing brings Louisa May Alcott’s beloved tale of four sisters growing into womanhood during the American Civil War to its Compass Classic Readers line of readers. English language learner