Amitava (Texpro Sil India),Saikat (JIS University Maity WB India)
Das, Himansu (Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Odisha, India),Rout, Jitendra Kumar (Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Odisha, India),Moharana, Suresh Chandra (Kalinga Institute o
Das, Santosh Kumar (Sarala Birla University, Ranchi, India),Giacalone, Massimiliano (University of Naples, Italy)
Nilanjan Dey (EDT)/ Sanjeev Wagh (EDT)/ Parikshit N. Mahalle (EDT)/ Mohamad Shafi Pathan (EDT)
Patel, Archana (Eastern International University, Vietnam),Debnath, Narayan C. (School of Computing and Information Technology, Eastern International University, Vietnam),Bhushan, Bharat (Ohio State
Sharma, Sudhir Kumar (Institute of Information Technology and Management, India),Bhushan, Bharat (Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, India),Debnath, Narayan C. (School of Computing and Information
Sharma, Sudhir Kumar (Institute of Information Technology and Management, India),Bhushan, Bharat (Sharda University, India),Debnath, Narayan C. (School of Computing and Information Technology, Easter
;Das, Santosh Kumar (Sarala Birla University, Ranchi, India),Giacalone, Massimiliano (University of Naples, Italy)
;P, Madhumathy (RV Institute of Technology and Management, Bangalore, India),Kumar, M Vinoth (RV Institute of Technology and Management, Bangalore, India),Umamaheswari, R. (SRM VALLIAMMAI ENGINEERING
;Patel, Archana (National Forensic Sciences Univ, India),Debnath, Narayan C. (Eastern International Univ, Vietnam),Bhushan, Bharat (Sharda University, India)