Professor Clarence Taylor sheds some much-needed light on the rich intellectual and political tradition that lies in the black religious community. From the Pentecostalism of Bishop Smallwood Williams
Based on careful reading of Du Bois' writings and with a combination of analytical and narrative approaches, the author probes the reasons and dynamics behind the changes of Du Bois strategies concern
The essays in this collection offer new evidence and new conclusions on topics in the history of African Americans in Virginia such as the demography of early slave imports, the means used to regulate
The Art of The Possible is a new study of the ideas and achievements of Booker T. Washington, the most influential African American leader of the period 1881-1915.
This collection of 12 new essays will tell the story of how the gradual transformation of industrial society into service-driven postindustrial society affected black life and culture in the city betw
This cutting-edge piece of scholarship studies the invisibility of the black migrants in popular consciousness and intellectual discourse in the United States through the interrogation of actual membe
This in-depth study focuses on black women migrants to the North and in doing so examines the interaction of race, class, regionalism, and gender during the early years of the 20th century.