In this popular presentation, Royal guides us through The Divine Comedy, a literary classic that is enjoying a renaissance as a spiritual masterpiece. In the course of exploring the human pilgrimage
This popular presentation of the life and writings of one of the most influential figures in the history of Christianity includes many rich segments from the spiritual classics Introduction to the Dev
St. John of the Cross is one of the greatest mystics of the West. He lived in the 16th century in Spain, was monk, reformer, and best known for Dark Night of the Soul and his deep friendship with St.
Karl Rahner was the most influential Catholic theologian of the 20th century. His writings helped prepare the way for Vatican II and did much to shape the Church in the post-conciliar period. Because
Scholars recognize Anselm as the most influential Christian intellectual between Augustine and Aquinas. In Anselm: The Joy of Faith, William H. Shannon highlights the prodigious writings and provides