The acclaimed and eagerly anticipated fourth thriller in the zombie apocalypse series from the author of Day by Day Armageddon and Day by Day Armageddon: Beyond Exile, for fans of the smash hit show T
Packed with color photos, this bestselling guide offers itineraries that show you how to see the best of the New Orleans in a short time?with bulleted maps that lead the way from sight to sight. Featu
Time is a very fluid thing, no one really has a grasp on it other than maybe how to measure it. As the maestro of the Day by Day Armageddon Universe, I have the latitude of being in control of that ti
Many people are unfamiliar with the stories of the Bible and how they fit together into the grand narrative of God's Word. God gave us the Bible to reveal great truth about himself and about our l
Many people are unfamiliar with the stories of the Bible and how they fit together into the grand narrative of God's Word. God gave us the Bible to reveal great truth about himself and about our l
出門前不用做功課!只要帶書上飛機睡覺,下飛機就跟著Day by Day,無縫接軌串聯舊金山!在地旅遊達人朵拉,以自己的品味與步調,挖掘出屬於自己的私房景點及路線,帶你遊玩最多元、精彩的舊金山。 在舊金山,搭著叮噹車穿越市區;騎著單車完成橫跨金門大橋的壯舉;選一區有特色的街區,將自己投身在其中,你可以很自在的在這裡當一個舊金山人。這是一個對不同文化和人權都很寬容的城市,離經叛道絕對不是一件特別的事。
出國旅遊,時間不夠用以及如何安排行程往往最困擾旅行者,本系列「Day by Day」為墨刻最新旅遊書系,替你解決這個旅途中的困擾,不但精心篩選出一座城市之最,也告訴你如何安排每一天行程。本系列針對世界主要旅遊城市,設計出多條1-3天的推薦行程、主題行程、散步路線、好買路線、好吃路線、藝術娛樂路線、市郊1日遊,用各種不同組合,讓你不浪費時間、不走冤枉路,玩得盡興、玩得有效率。 本系列以浪漫的巴黎打頭
你去過香港和澳門了嗎?這兩個地方距離台灣都很近,簽證很方便,說中文也通,機票很便宜。最重要的是,東西都超~好~吃的啊!如果你對港澳完全不熟,又不想花時間上網研究所有景點,那麼這本《香港澳門Day by Day》就是針對你的需求而設計的。為了不讓讀者玩得遺憾,本書從大量景點中抽絲剝繭,分成美食購物、文化風情、歡樂時光、悠閒離島、澳門精華等不同主題,規畫出23條精彩旅遊路線,範圍涵蓋香港澳門精華鬧區,