An alien orphan from the planet Krypton crash lands on Earth, and is adopted by a human couple--one day he will become Superman, defender of the people of Earth.
Hal Jordan is a daring test pilot until one day a dying alien gives him a ring of power that changes him into a member of the Green Lanterns, defenders of the Galaxy.
In brightest dayA and in blackest night, Hal Jordan heeds all calls for help as sector 2814's Green Lantern. But before Hal became a galactic guardian, he was a test pilot for the U.S. Air Force. Foll
How did Batgirl become Batman's crime-fighting partner? Discover the story behind Barbara Gordan's journey from commissioner's daughter to super hero sidekick, including the source of her high-tech ga
How did Supergirl become one of the Earth's greatest super heroes? Discover the story behind Kara Danvers' journey from Superman's kid cousin to full-fledged Justice League member, including the sourc
How did Robin become Batman's crime-fighting partner? Discover the story behind the Boy Wonder's journey from typical teenager to super hero sidekick, including the source of his acrobatic skills. Wit
How did Cyborg become a member of the Justice League? Discover the story behind Victor Stone's journey from technological experiment to one of the World's Greatest Super Heroes, including the source o
Test pilot Hal Jordan is recruited to join an intergalactic law enforcement squadron, but when a traitor is discovered within the group Hal must truly--and quickly--become a super hero.