Daniela (University of Bergen Hofmann Norway),Catherine J. (Australian National University Frieman Australia),Martin (Kiel University Furholt Germany),Stefan (Varusschlacht Archaeological Museum Burme
Archeologists often wish they were there then, and in the case of modern combat archeology, they are. Schofield (military programs, English Heritage and U. of Southampton) explains how the archeology
The conversion to Christianity was a key cultural process that saw the transformation of Europe from classical to medieval world. The growth of the Church has been closely linked with the development
For 250 years encrusted wonders have been turning up in fishermen's nets: everything imaginable from prehistoric animal bones to priceless Roman statues. Fishing trawlers annually sweep an area equiva
The recent crisis in the world of antiquities collecting has prompted scholars and the general public to pay more attention than ever before to the questions of archaeological findspots and collecting
Part of the debates in archeology series from Bloomsbury, this book looks at land use issues in Anglo-Saxon England, using research from archeological excavation, climate, and historical records. The
How do archaeologists work with the data they identify as a record of the cultural past? How are these data collected and construed as evidence? What is the impact on archaeological practice of new te
Peter G. Gould seeks to identify the success factors associated with economic development projects within communities adjacent to archaeological or heritage sites, a growing interest among archaeologi
The development of key methodologies for the study of battlefields in the USA in the 1980s inspired a generation of British and European archaeologists to turn their attention to sites in their own co
This book traces the development of 'community archaeology', identifying both its advantages and disadvantages by describing how and why tensions have arisen between archaeological and community under
This interesting monograph on European castles examines the archaeological and cultural significance of the rise of castle structures and attendant ideas of martial and political authority in the peri
The Byzantine Dark Ages explores current debates about the sudden transformation of the Byzantine Empire in the wake of environmental, social and political changes. Those studying the Byzantine Empire
The Byzantine Dark Ages explores current debates about the sudden transformation of the Byzantine Empire in the wake of environmental, social and political changes. Those studying the Byzantine Empire
Building Colonialism draws together the relationship between archaeology and history in East Africa using techniques of artefact, building, spatial and historical analyses to highlight the existence o
Kennedy (Roman archaeology and history, U. of Western Australia) examines a group of micro-regions in northwest Jordan from the sudden entry of Hellenic culture in the fourth century BC, through sever