With the help of an unusual set of cronies, bank robber John Dortmunder puts a set of wheels under a trailer that just happens to be the temporary site of the Capitalists' & Immigrants' Trust and haul
John Dortmunder and company are hired by an U.N. African Ambassador to steal the famed Balabomo Emerald from the hands of a rival African country. But their daring and clever burglary goes awry, and t
The Hot Rock introduces John Archibald Dortmunder, the thief whose capers never quite come off, as he and his convict friends plot to steal the fabulous Balaboma Emerald.
Young people have a perfect right to good education. They deserve committed educators, safe schools, powerful learning environments, and, most of all, a clear sense of direction and insight into the v
To what extent is diversity perceived and recognized as a resource in contemporary religious education in schools and congregations? What happens with children and their teachers when classrooms shift