This volume will explore issues such as the nature, method and development of comparative ecclesiology; critical assessments as well as appreciations of Roger Haight's Christian Community in History.
This volume brings together the prestigious speakers at the inaugural Church in Our Times Lecture Series at Liverpool Hope, throughout the first 4 months of 2006, and invited contributors from and add
Various social, political, economic and cultural commentators are presently arguing that human history is reaching a decisive stage in its development, a stage marked by increased interconnection betw
A theological investigation of the community of the Church as outlined by liberation theology and a possible conversation with "liberation" from suffering in Tibetan Buddhism.
In recent bilateral ecumenical dialogue the aim of the dialogue has been to reach some form of doctrinal consensus. The three major chapters of the book discuss the variety of forms of doctrinal conse
This empirical study explores how the sampled priests understand their priesthood. Chris A. Fallon reviews Liverpool's history of expansion and decline, which has left fewer and older priests serving
This grounded theory case study describes the developing ecclesiology of a Filipino ecclesial community facing homelessness, bringing it into dialogue with other global exegetical works on the Gospel
This is an exploration of communion ecclesiology and how, in its current status as the dominant way of thinking about and practising 'church,' it must engage more deeply with views about God's future,
Provides a unique insight into contemporary priesthood in the Catholic Church as it examines the connection and correlation between the personality of the priest and the model of priesthood he adopts
The last two decades have witnessed the growing participation in theological dialogues of non-institutional (free church) movements. This poses a serious challenge to 21st century ecumenism, since ecc
The last two decades have witnessed the growing participation in theological dialogues of non-institutional (free church) movements. This poses a serious challenge to 21st century ecumenism, since ecc
One of the slogans of the reformation was ecclesia reformata semper reformanda – ‘the reformed church always reforming’. Churches throughout the western world are currently engaged in reform and renew
This collection of essays integrates a broad spectrum of geographical, denominational, and interdisciplinary perspectives, and analyses the relationship between family and religion in its various cont
This is a rich collection of fifteen articles by European, North American and Asian theologians who are concerned with the concept, life, unity and future of the church. It offers a wealth of broad pe
This co-authored volume is the outcome of an ecumenical speaking and listening that has involved a continuing conversation between four theologians over a period of more than two years. The scholars
A collection of essays and assessments in which scholars from a variety of denominational, geographical and ecclesiological backgrounds attempt to discern the significance of the 2006 document Nature