Carlos Bulosan—Revolutionary Filipino Writer in the United States: A Critical Appraisal is an in-depth, critical evaluation of Bulosan's major works in the context of the sociopolitical changes that c
Through the artful science of portraiture, The Pedagogy of Teacher Activism presents the stories of four teacher activists—how they are and have become social change agents—to uncover important pedago
Through the artful science of portraiture, The Pedagogy of Teacher Activism presents the stories of four teacher activists—how they are and have become social change agents—to uncover important pedago
Aiming to challenge conventional intellectual and political theory, the author presents critical philosophical and historical studies to outline an emancipatory kind of knowledge and praxis that can b
Critical pedagogy, political economics, and aesthetic theory combine with dialectical and materialist understandings of science, society, and revolutionary politics to develop the most radical goals o
«Pedagogy of Insurrection» by Peter McLaren has won the American Educational Research Association, Division B Outstanding Book Recognition Award 2016.Peter McLaren, named Outstanding Educator in Ameri
Asian/American Scholars of Education: 21st Century Pedagogies, Perspectives, and Experiences shares the knowledge and travails of Asian/American luminaries in the field of Education. This unique colle
Asian/American Scholars of Education: 21st Century Pedagogies, Perspectives, and Experiences shares the knowledge and travails of Asian/American luminaries in the field of Education. This unique colle
And This Little Piggy Had None: Challenging the Dominant Discourse on Farmed Animals in Children’s Picturebooks is a fascinating critique of how "farm" animals are represented in children’s literature
D. Michael Rivage-Seul’s eye-opening new book, The Magic Glasses of Critical Thinking: Seeing Through Alternative Fact & Fake News, invites readers to try out what Baba Dick Gregory calls the "magic g
This collection of essays, poems, and reflections by scholars, public intellectuals, artists, and community activists (as well as those whose work intersects with all of these categories) constitutes
This collection of essays, poems, and reflections by scholars, public intellectuals, artists, and community activists (as well as those whose work intersects with all of these categories) constitutes
D. Michael Rivage-Seul’s eye-opening new book, The Magic Glasses of Critical Thinking: Seeing Through Alternative Fact & Fake News, invites readers to try out what Baba Dick Gregory calls the "magic g
Drawing on Marx and Lenin, the author views education as a mechanism through which both sides of the global class war, the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, have advanced their causes. He discusses the
History and Education is a text that engages the history of the global class war, from the United States to the former Soviet Union, from the People’s Republic of China to the Democratic People’s Repu
Carlos Bulosan—Revolutionary Filipino Writer in the United States: A Critical Appraisal is an in-depth, critical evaluation of Bulosan's major works in the context of the sociopolitical changes that c
The Coup D’état of the New Orleans Public Schools explores and criticizes the contemporary educational reforms of the New Orleans public school system. The New Orleans education reforms implemented af
Raza Struggle and the Movement for Ethnic Studies: Decolonial Pedagogies, Literacies, and Methodologies presents an investigation of decolonization in the context of education and what this means for