Heffelfinger and Wright (both English, Western Carolina U.) examine a number of movies set in various post-colonial environs, with the goal of illuminating modern American culture's relationship with
Gibbs (history, U. of Denver) explores the development of postwar Japanese political culture through the medium of film, specifically focusing on how the Japanese film industry has reflected and contr
In this interdisciplinary investigation of representations of exile in Golden Age Hollywood cinema (1930-1956), Gergely (U. of Manchester, England) focuses on the films of Peter Lorre, Bela Lugosi, an
Di Carmine (film, Western Illinois U.) analyzes colonial discourses of Italian and African identity in Italian cinema both during and after the major period of Italian colonial intervention in Africa.
This volume collects 29 prose poems from essayist and film critic Ehrlich (Case Western Reserve U.) and are offered as "examples of film criticism in a new form." Each piece highlights one scene or an
Mining from the mainstream, and never going too far afield, Whitt (literature and media studies, U. of Colorado at Boulder) carefully constructs her take on American film and television and its relati