Cole saw the trade unions as being critical to progress, but to realise their role they needed to change and the issue of trade union structure therefore became fundamental. He considered in this volu
This volume was Cole's first major work of political economy in almost a decade and it effectively positioned him as a mainstream Fabian who sought to stabilize capitalism before progressing socialism
This volume compares the planning of economic conditions under the very different political systems of Soviet Russia, Fascist Germany and Italy and Democratic America, with some discussion of partial
This volume traces the attempts made after the Napoleonic Wars to link up all the numerous local and sectional Trade Societies into a single comprehensive ‘General Trades Union’ – attempts which culmi
This book represents an important stage in the development of an indigenous theory. The argument is presented with the special qualities of cogency and perception which have given the author a lasting
Guild Socialism Restated is G D H Cole’s fullest and most systematic account of his vision of industrial and political reorganization. The introductory chapters of the volume develop the theme of demo
This volume is representative of the historical works of a particular period (1923-29) when there was a hiatus in the output of Cole the theoretician. It is an extraordinary contribution to labour his
Originally written as a series of pamphlets and at a time of high unemployment, this volume discusses free trade, monetary policy, wages and employment, economic theory and social legislation.
This volume sets forth as simply as possible the theoretical foundations which underlie the practical policies of democratic Socialism. This involves both a repudiation and a refutation of the assumpt
This volume of extremely rare pamphlets spans over thirty years of prolific output by G D H Cole. It encompasses the challenges of full employment and the role re-armament in achieving that, nationali