「感謝讀者,甫上市銷售即破萬本」林莉菁親手繪製書腰版本漫畫家林莉菁如是憶往,以女孩的眼光,看當時的台灣戒嚴、威權教育、升學主義、社會解嚴、賄選亂象……;與成人的自己對談,看龐大的國家機器如何影響著微小的個人認知,意識形態如何左右著價值判斷。人物造型簡單,行文誠實、犀利;電影般的分鏡、小說式的節奏,被法國出版社喻為「圖像小說」(Le roman graphique),介於小說與漫畫之間,由圖像強化故
Three brothers who rule their own trailer park kingdom must face off against the sheriff of a neighboring town who wants their territory.From The New York Times bestselling writer Matt Kindt (Mind MGM
With their brotherly bond fractured at the worst possible time, the Grass Kings must find a way to mend fences before the Feds stomp out their illegal trailer park fiefdom once and for all.The final c
Following a turf war with a rival town, the three brothers who rule a trailer park kingdom must turn their sights inward to find a killer amongst themselves.The next chapter in the lives of the Grass
Trent Thompson has carried a torch for the new schoolteacher since she moved to Grass Valley more than three years ago. Instead of asking her out, he’s dated every single female in a 30-mile radius, g