Our Own Time retells the story of American labor by focusing on the politics of time and the movements for a shorter working day. It argues that the length of the working day has been the central issu
By the year 2000, Mexicans and other Latinos will comprise fifty percent of the population of Los Angeles. In this new book, the author of the widely praised Occupied America describes the harsh reali
Explores the history of the Weather Underground Organization, a radical movement in the 1960s that attempted to end the United States' presence in Vietnam through guerilla combat
For the first time in a generation chain gangs have reappeared on the roads of the American South. Associated in the past with racial terrorism, this cruel and unusual punishment should invoke strong
Chronicles the city's efforts to create a sense of "traditional urbanity" and bolster the economy and culture of the city's core in the face of racialized topography in preparation for the Olympic gam
An account of the years the author and his family lived on the edge of the Great Basin Desert in Grantsville, Utah, and how an idyllic life was interrupted by tales of sickness and death and a hidden
Unraveling the cultural and intellectual landscape of 1920s America. Structures of the Jazz Age charts the twenties cultural landscape populated by critical intellectuals like H.L. Mencken and Irving
Current debates about the future of the family are often based on serious misconceptions about its past. Arguing that there is no biologically mandated or universally functional family form, Stephanie