This intriguing study examines the truth behind the myths and misconceptions that defined the American Civil War, as portrayed through the popular literary works of the time.• Outlines key events and
This book furthers appreciation of key pieces in American literature from the Chicano Movement by placing them in the context of history, society, and culture.‧ Offers a one-stop reference work for te
This anthology with extra readings is designed to help students understand works of American literature from two periods. Part 1 opens with an introduction to the social, political, and literary milie
With summaries, discussions, and excerpts from primary source documents, this book examines Shakespeare's world through careful consideration of the historical background of four of his comedies.• Inc
This analysis of primary documents allows readers to understand Shakespeare's tragedies within the context of historical issues of Renaissance England.• Provides primary source documents for close rea
A valuable resource for readers exploring the classic horror genre, this book presents primary source documents alongside analysis in an examination of the social, political, and economic factors refl
An indispensable resource for readers investigating Victorian literature and culture, this book offers a comprehensive summary of the historical, social, political, and cultural contexts of Victorian
Focusing on the war on the Western and Southern fronts and inclusive of material from all sides of the conflict, this book explores the novels and poems of significant soldier-writers alongside import
A perfect guide for use in high school classes, this book explores the fascinating literature of the Harlem Renaissance, reviewing classic works in the context of the history, society, and culture of
Utilizing key selections from American literature, this volume aligns with ELA Common Core Standards to give students a fresh perspective on and a keener understanding of slavery in the United States.
This intriguing study examines the truth behind the myths and misconceptions that defined the Roaring Twenties, as portrayed through the popular literary works of the time.