Holy Corpse Rising is a supernatural manga series about a war between witches and humans featuring gorgeously detailed artwork and a wicked sense of humor. In fifteenth century Rome witches have decla
Holy Corpse Rising is a supernatural manga series about a war between witches and humans, featuring gorgeously detailed artwork and a wicked sense of humor.In Fifteenth Century Rome, witches have decl
A supernatural fantasy about witches, for fans of Blood Lad and Witchcraft Works!In fifteenth century Rome witches have declared war against humanity. A young man named Nikola, whose parents were crue
What's a guy to do when the key to saving the world is a marriage contract with twelve sexy witches?In fifteenth century Rome witches have declared war against humanity. A young man named Nikola, whos
A supernatural fantasy about witches, for fans of Blood Lad and Witchcraft Works!In fifteenth century Rome witches have declared war against humanity. A young man named Nikola, whose parents were crue