Born into a life of secrets and service, Chrysabelle's body bears the telltale marks of a comarre -- a special race of humans bred to feed vampire nobility. When her patron is murdered, she becomes th
Violent murders occur in Paradise City as counterfeit comarre are systematically hunted. As war erupts at home, Malkolm and Chrysabelle head to New Orleans to recover the Ring of Sorrows. Forced to m
With the ring of sorrows still missing, and the covenant between othernaturals and mortals broken, Chrysabelle and Malkolm's problems are just beginning. Chrysabelle still owes Malkolm for his help, b
The fantastic final novel of the House of Comarre series, full of lust, betrayal, and intrigue. In the final showdown between the forces of dark and light, Mal and Chrysabelle face not only Tatiana,