Now a hit anime series!Junior High School student Takanashi Shuusuke has a problem. His childhood friend Iroha has returned with a massive crush on him. And so does class president (and yaoi fanatic),
I Don’t Like You At All, Big Brother!! is a harem comedy manga series presented for the first time in North America in 2-in-1 omnibus format.High school junior Takanashi Nao has a problem: she has a c
The wackiest love triangle ever is now a hit anime series!High school junior Takanashi Nao has a problem: she has a crush on her dreamy older brother, Shuusuke. When Nao discovers that she was adopted
The wackiest love triangle ever is now a hit anime series!The hilarity continues as Takanashi Nao’s massive crush on her adoptive older brother Shuusuke grows. But her best friend Iroha will not be ov