;Scott, James Wesley (Karelian Institute, University of Eastern Finland, Finland),Liikanen, Ilkka (Karelian Institute, University of Eastern Finland, Finland)
Competition policy—encompassing cartels, monopolies, mergers and state aid—is a hallmark of the European Union (EU). In recent decades, the EU’s competition policy has evolved under pressures from glo
European Union boundaries have always been unusual. In no other political community is both the prospect of enlargement and the ever-present possibility of withdrawal part of the constitutional framew
How has the economic and financial crisis that started in 2007 affected European integration? Observers have been speculating about whether the crisis will ultimately lead to a strengthening or weaken
The principle of policy coherence has been the object of a contentious debate in the European Union’s external relations, though discussions have been mainly limited to its foreign policy and its abil
This book addresses the important but understudied question of how social scientific knowledge is entangled in the process of European integration. More specifically, it provides the first systematic
This book studies the reactions by external actors, including the European Union, to the events unfolding in the Arab world beginning in December 2010. In particular, contributors look at external act
The authors in this volume attempt to shed light on the sustainability and legitimacy of Europe’s boundaries as they are called into question by a range of factors, including Brexit, populism, terrori
The Maastricht Treaty, signed in 1992 and ratified in the following year, is widely seen as a landmark in the evolution of the European Union. It introduced into the treaty framework revolutionary new
Public Policy and the CJEU’s Power offers an overarching analytical framework for thinking about the impact of policy contexts on the CJEU’s influence on European public policy and the course of Europ
This book explores the various ways in which citizens are represented in EU policy-making. Most accounts naturally focus on the European Parliament as the prime source of democratic representation. Th
The global financial crisis and sovereign debt crisis exposed the inadequacy of European economic governance. Despite the multitude of new mechanisms and institutions that have arisen over the last fe
The European Parliament in the Contested Union: Power and Influence Post-Lisbon provides a systematic assessment of the real influence of the European Parliament (EP) in policy-making.