DescriptionThe Fox and the Crow Level 2-4A fox sees a crow with some meat. The fox wants to get the meat from the crow. But the crow is in a tree. The fox must think of a good idea to get the meat.Ear
DescriptionOne-Eye, Two-Eyes, Three-Eyes Level 6-6Two-Eyes is a kind and pretty girl. She lives with her two bad sisters, One-Eye and Three-Eyes. In the forest, Two-Eyes meets and old woman. The old w
DescriptionChicken Little Level 6-8Chicken Little is not very smart. A nut hits her on the head. She thinks the sky is falling! Chicken Little's friends are not smart. They hear her story and think th
DescriptionDoctor Knowall Level 6-9A poor man learns how to trick people so they think he is a doctor. People think he is a doctor who knows all things. They call him Doctor Knowall. A rich man asks D
DescriptionEast of the Sun and West of the Moon Level 6-10Magice makes a prince become a white bear in the day but a man at night. Nina is happy living with the white bear, but she wants to see the ma
DescriptionThe Heart of a Monkey Level 3-2A monkey and a shark become friends. The monkey lives in a tree. The shark lives in the sea. One day, the shark asks the monkey to come to his home in the sea
DescriptionThe Wolf and the Seven Children Level 3-3Mother Goat goes out for the day. Her seven children are home. They know not to open the door. But the Wolf has an idea to get in!Early readers will
DescriptionThe Little Red Hen Level 3-6Little Red Hen calls her children. They will make bread today. Little Red Hen asks Big Fat Rooster to help, too. But Big Fat Rooster wants to do other things. He
DescriptionThe Sleeping Spell Level 3-7A bad fairy puts a bad spell on a baby girl. The girl will cut her finger and die! A good fairy changes the spell. The girl will not die but sleep. But what can
DescriptionThe Man and the Lion Level 3-9A man thinks he is strong and brave. A lion thinks he is strong and brave. Who is stronger and braver? The man and the lion argue about this. How can they find
DescriptionThe Son Who Doesn't Listen Level 3-10A son asks his mother and father to give him land. He can sell the land and have fun far from home. His mother and father tell him not to sell the land.
DescriptionHow the Tiger Gets His Stripes Level 4-1Long ago, a tiger sees a water buffalo in a field. the tiger has no stripes. He wants to know why the strong water buffalo works for a weak man. The
DescriptionBearskin Level 4-2A soldier has no work, no money, and no home. An old man gives the soldier a magic bearskin to wear. Now the soldier has money, but he can't wash, cut his hair, or cut his
DescriptionThe Four Dragons Level 4-4Four dragons live in China. They want to help the people. They ask the Jade King to send rain for the people. But the Jade King does not do it. When the dragons he
DescriptionThe Green Monkey Level 4-6A king has two boys. One day, the older boy drinks from a magic river. He changes into a green monkey. What will change him back?Early readers will help their read
DescriptionThe Language of the Birds Level 4-7Ivan saves some birds from a fox. The birds want to thank Ivan. They teach him the language of the birds. But people do not think Ivan can really talk to
DescriptionThe Rabbits and the Frogs Level 5-3Rabbits are nice and kind. They live in a scary world. Many things in the world eat rabbits! It is not easy to live in a scary world. One rabbit tells his
DescriptionThe Sword in the Stone Level 5-7England goes through a bad time. There is no king. Many nobles want to be king, but Merlin says they can't. Only the one who can take a seord from a stone ca
DescriptionThe Donkey Level 5-9A king and queen have a baby. The baby is a donkey! But they are not sad. The donkey is a good son, and he plays music very well. One day, the donkey says he wants to go
DescriptionThe Origin of Fire Level 5-10This story is about people getting fire. Fox sees that people are cold in winter. He is smart, and he wants to help others. With the help of Goose, Fox goes to