Darling-Hammond (education, Stanford University) presents work based on the early years of an ongoing systemic reform initiative that was launched in San Diego, California, in the late 1990s. The book
Duffy (change leadership in education, Gallaudet University) explains how to use power and political skills ethically to lead whole-system change in school districts. He looks at the context for chang
Duffy (change leadership in education, Gallaudet U.) and Chance (educational leadership, U. of Nevada, Las Vegas) explain methods for whole-system change in school districts, focusing on theoretical a
Duffy (administration and supervision, Gallaudet University) addresses the nature of strategic alignment in school systems and explains how to create and sustain it. He also analyzes the ways school d
This book uses systems thinking to explain and describe the management unlearning and new learning needed to create deep and fundamental changes to the way schools operate as complete learning entitie
This book uses systems thinking to explain and describe the management unlearning and new learning needed to create deep and fundamental changes to the way schools operate as complete learning entitie
Systems thinking has been discussed for decades in science, business, and therapy. Despres (education, University of British Columbia-Okanagan) gathers contributors in education, educational leadershi