The field of artificial economics (AE) embraces a broad range of methodologies relying on computer simulations in order to model and study the complexity of economic and social phenomena. The overarch
The class of interest rate models introduced by O. Cheyette in 1994 is a subclass of the general HJM framework with a time dependent volatility parameterization. This book addresses the above mentione
This book deals with dynamic and stochastic methods for multi-project planning. Based on the idea of using queueing networks for the analysis of dynamic-stochastic multi-project environments this book
These lectures aim to help readers understand the logics and nature of the main indicators of inequality and poverty, with special attention to their social welfare underpinnings. The key approach con
Among the various multi-level formulations of mathematical models in decision making processes, this book focuses on the bi-level model. Being the most frequently used, the bi-level model addresses co
Experts in operations research and developers of softwareapplication systems have been treading separate paths formany years. It is urgently necessary to reset this course sothat the demanding require
In recent years, agent-based simulation has become a widely accepted tool when dealing with complexity in economics and other social sciences. The contributions presented in this book apply agent-base
The author derives an efficient and accurate pricing tool for interest-rate derivatives within a Fourier-transform based pricing approach, which is generally applicable to exponential-affine jump-diff
Optimization problems arising in practice usually contain several random parameters. Hence, in order to obtain optimal solutions being robust with respect to random parameter variations, the mostly av
This monograph presents a general equilibrium methodology for microeconomic policy analysis. It is intended to serve as an alternative to the now classical, axiomatic general equilibrium theory as exp
This book analyzes revenue management (RM) problems with flexible products and RM in broadcasting companies. It presents models and methods that explicitly take the implications of flexibility into ac
This series reports on new developments in mathematical economics, economic theory, econometrics, operations research, and mathematical systems.This book presents a methodological approach for the joi
This series reports on new developments in mathematical economics, economic theory, econometrics, operations research, and mathematical systems.Manuscripts should be no less than 150 and preferably no
This series reports on new developments in mathematical economics, economic theory, econometrics, operations research, and mathematical systems.Manuscripts should be no less than 150 and preferably no
This volume contains contributions from the 11th International Conference on Management Science (CMS 2014), held at Lisbon, Portugal, on May 29-31, 2014. Its contents reflect the wide scope of Managem
The authors present a new formal framework forfinding the long-run competitive market equilibrium through short-runequilibria by exploiting the operating policies and plant valuations. This“short-run
Practitioners in process industry have to increasingly adapt their global production networks to changes in the competitive environment. A majority of the supply network design models proposed by acad
The primary objective of this book is to demonstrate that a firm's financing decisions depend among other things on bargaining power considerations, and to illustrate potential causes for this depende
Ongoing global changes pose fundamentally new scientific problems requiring new concepts and tools. A key issue concerns a vast variety of practically irreducible uncertainties, which challenge tradit
The theory on the evolution of preferences deals with the endogenous formation of preference relations in strategic situations. It is related to the field of evolutionary game theory. In this book we