In The Intercultural Weaving of Historical Texts Nicolas Standaert analyses an early case of “intercultural historiography,” in which various Chinese views on marvellous births are interwoven with the
The “Global” and the “Local” in Early Modern and Modern East Asia offers inquiries by scholars in three different institutions (Princeton, Fudan, and Tokyo Universities) into the philosophies and meth
In this valuable contribution to scholarship on the creation of contemporary national Chinese identity, Matten (contemporary Chinese history, Friedrich-Alexander U. Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany) introd
In Nation and Ethnicity Julia C. Schneider give an analysis of the Chinese discourse on nationalism and historiography in the 1900s-1920s with regard to non-Chinese people’s assimilation and integrati
These ten essays closely examine the transmission of historical facts and perceptions from the academic elite to the masses, primarily in the form of general reading and classroom texts. The Qing dyna
Revolution as Restoration examines the journal Guocui xuebao (1905-1911) to elucidate the momentous political and social changes in early twentieth-century China.
The papers collected in this volume, although dealing with several different themes, congeal around a debate about the ways and extent of the dominance of linear time and progressive history and the c
The most prominent literary phenomenon in the 1980s and 1990s in China, historical fiction has never been systematically surveyed in Anglophone scholarship. This is the first investigation into how, b
"The end of the Cold War reshuffled the power relations between former friends and enemies. In Broken Narratives the contributors offer an account of the consequences of the end of the Cold War for th
In this valuable contribution to scholarship on the creation of contemporary national Chinese identity, Matten (contemporary Chinese history, Friedrich-Alexander U. Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany) introd
"The 'Global' and the 'Local' in Early Modern and Modern East Asia presents a unique set of historical perspectives by scholars from three important universities in the East Asian region--The Universi