A former NASA scientist teaching at Purdue University offers down-to-earth advice and recommended reading on preparing for, and surviving in, science-related professions. AIAA is the American Institut
This guide gives tips for starting out in a career as an entry-level engineer, with examples from the aerospace industry that can be applied to the automotive, commercial products, manufacturing, and
Friend or foe, they sweep the skies just slightly over battlefields. However, they also evacuate victims from natural disasters, conduct humanitarian missions and transport victims in medical emergenc
In his graduate class on systems engineering using satellite-based systems as an example, Sachdev (George Mason U., Virginia) is often asked by students what factors and criteria make a project succes
This work by Mckenna, an aeronautical engineer turned CEO, focuses on the Sikorsky Skycrane, a piece of genius engineering with shaky beginnings that soon came to revolutionize ideas about helicopter
Hollinger, an engineer who works in certification and safety management systems and quality assurance for foreign and domestic aviation companies, offers a manual for aviation practitioners on safety
Mechanical engineer Connors joined the airplane engine company in 1948, and worked in engineering, domestic and international marketing, and program management until he retired in 1983. Then he worked
Suhler, a computer engineer in the data storage industry, describes the origins of stealth technology and how it was applied in the design of the world's fastest jet in the 1950s, the Lockheed A-12 Bl
Eleven Seconds into the Unknown: A History of the Hyper-X Program is a sequel to the author's first book on the X-43A/Hyper-X project, Road to Mach 10: Lessons Learned from the X-43A Flight Research
This illustrated work profiles the designers, engineers, and teams associated with the Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation (now known as Northrup Grumman Corporation), detailing the process behin