Tsongkhapa’s Lamp is one of the most comprehensive and detailed presentations of the highest yoga class of Vajrayana Buddhism, especially the key practices in the advanced phase of Guyhasamaja tantra.
Stages of the Buddha's Teaching is an extraordinary and systematized representation of the complete path to enlightenment.The “stages of the teachings” or tenrim genre of Tibetan spiritual writing exp
The Tibetan practice of "mind training," or lojong, stretches back for hundreds of years and encompasses a variety of techniques for cultivating altruistic thoughts and coping with the inevitable cha
The Kadam school, which emerged from the teachings of the Indian master Atisha and his principal student, Dromtönpa, is revered for its practical application of the bodhisattva’s altruisti
The Path with the Result, or lamdre, is the most important tantric system of theory and meditation practice in the Sakya school. Yet its writings have never been published in any European language un
The Kagyü school of Tibetan Buddhism began in the 11th century with such renowned figures as Marpa and Milarepa, and it continues today with the Karmapa and several best-selling authors, includi
The Kalacakra, or "wheel of time," tantra likely entered Indian Mahayana Buddhism around the tenth century. In expounding the root tantra, the Indian master Pundarika one of the legendary Kalki kings
Eight Tibetan opera narratives express Buddhist concepts in myths and stories for the enjoyment and edification of readers of all ages.Timeless Buddhist ideas come to life in the myths and stories&nbs
Enjoy popular Tibetan collections of advice, fables, and aphorisms for following the way of the wise and avoiding the paths of fools. The Tibetan Book of Everdyay Wisdom: A Thousand Years of Sage
The single greatest Tibetan commentary—never previously translated—on one of the most well-known and cited works of classical Indian Buddhism.This lengthy work by a scholar of the Kadam sc