According to the Swiss theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar, a world that has lost sight of beauty is a world riddled with skepticism, moral and aesthetic relativism, conflicting religious worldviews, an
Because of illness and age the Jesuit theologian and philosopher Bernard Lonergan never completed the systematic study on Christology, the doctrine concerning the person of Christ, that he had planned
In his classic work Method in Theology, Bernard Lonergan left many questions unanswered in regard to his treatment of systematics. InWhat Is Systematic Theology? Robert M. Doran attempts to articulate
First published in 1989, Appropriating the Lonergan Idea is an exploration and expansion of Bernard Lonergan's distinctive achievements as a theologian and philosopher by the world's foremost expert o
The language of self-fulfillment, self-realization, and self-actualization (in short, 'authenticity') has become common in contemporary culture. The desire to be 'authentic' is implicitly a desire to
Bernard Lonergan's work is both original and comprehensive. It can be grasped only by working one's way slowly and carefully through his major writings. In order to make Lonergan's unique contribution
In The Givenness of Desire, Randall S. Rosenberg examines the human desire for God through the lens of Lonergan’s "concrete subjectivity." Rosenberg engages and integrates two major scholarly developm
Frederick G. Lawrence is the authoritative interpreter of the work of Bernard Lonergan and an incisive reader of twentieth-century continental philosophy and hermeneutics. The Fragility of Consciousne
In The Ethics of Discernment, Patrick H. Byrne presents an approach to ethics that builds upon the cognitional theory and the philosophical method of self-appropriation that Bernard Lonergan introduce
Bernard Lonergan's notion of the 'universal viewpoint' is at once a timely and an unpopular topic. The very term seems to violate the postmodern concern for indigenous contexts, and yet, given the dev
In The Givenness of Desire, Randall S. Rosenberg examines the human desire for God through the lens of Lonergan’s "concrete subjectivity." Rosenberg engages and integrates two major scholarly d